Hi jkjkjk,
I am currently a year 12 student who completed year 11 last year. I am from QLD and I think the syllabus texts are different. We studied Animal Farm (George Orwell) and To Kill A Mockingbird (Harper Lee) throughout units 1 and 2. Do you know what texts you will be studying? Our essay...
I don't study economics, but personally I wouldn't use this approach considering you are aiming for a high study score. I can understand this technique to refer to another individual's notes because it would definitely save a lot of time not doing note taking from the textbook, but if...
Hi Akuri,
I'm sorry you're going through such a rough time at the moment, but as cliche as it sounds, don't give up because one day, all your effort and hard work will pay off!
I can completely understand where you're coming from, its definitely not a useless thing to talk about. Sometimes...
Are we talking about the RBA, as in the Reserve Bank of Australia? It suits the context here I guess.
The meaning is there either way. It is actually so pointless what this discussion is even about. It's a typo, chill. It's not a life threatening situation endangering all life on Earth. We...
I'm from QLD, so I'm a bit unaware of USYD. Have you looked at the entry requirements? I know NSW universities are different to QLD and could be more competitive.
This question is worded a bit weirdly. I don't do this subject, but I'm guessing it is asking to evaluate how effective each head injury assessment is promoting safety. For example, a comprehensive pre and post incident procedure would ensure that the head injury is managed in a safe and...
Hi Husky,
I guess its all about what you are looking for in the future and where you want to end up in life. If you believe doing the integrated program/5 year course will be beneficial, then go for that. However, if you want to begin with the four year degree then do the masters program later...
Sleep deprivation is no joke! Even though you're up at this "questionable time", as students we need our sleep. In psychology, we study sleep and the effect of sleep deprivation. Just wondering, how many hours does everyone get on average?
Sorry I only just discovered the thread. Is it too late or do you still require a scientific report. I'm a QLD student, so it could be helpful, but maybe not.
Haha all good, what time zone are you from?
Sounds like a pretty stressful time. I had a data test for bio, chem and psych this week - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. Only 1 hour each though, wasn't too bad.
What English subject are you studying? In QLD, there's general English and essential English.
Yeah, that's a bit of a hard question. I'm not too sure, I would definitely ask the specific uni you would like to go to or maybe ask a careers advisor at your school if you have one.
Good luck!
I'm sorry you're feeling stressed, just try and relax as much as you can while doing the HSC!
I've seen some peoples' suggestions. I'm not too sure, it might be different in QLD.
Have you looked at this ATAR calculator website? You can select what state you are from...
Hey guys,
What state are y'all from? It's probably different, but in QLD, the assessment we have completed in term 4 of this year definitely counts for our ATAR.
Hi, I'm from QLD, so might be a bit irrelevant if you're from a different state. It sounds similar to the QLD bio syllabus with ecosystems and biodiversity covered in unit 3 and then genetics stuff in unit 4. What state are you studying in?
From my knowledge, yes. Any school name with "college" is pretty much private. E.g. "Sheldon College", "Redlands College", "Ormiston College" Sheldon is probably the most competitive. However, Brisbane State High School is a selective public school, it's not private and still very competitive. I...