This was a labour of love. My magnum opus. (chat i actually made this in powerpoint im not joking im actually so serious). Got an hsc mark of 94 for textiles. VERY DETAILED AND BEAUTIFUL FOLIO.
Detailed notes on the Core - Power and Authority following the syllabus using Cambridge Checkpoints and Cambridge textbook. Well formatted :)
** Apologies for not uploading these until now! This was my least favourite topic and I didn't properly finish editing these notes until early October...
10 for advanced english, 5 for maths standard 2, 8 for modern history, 7 in art, and 3 for textiles. I will say they were the worst cohort the school had seen recently hahah (multiple teachers told us this HAHAHA), and the first year we had no state ranks, usually we get 4-5 SR. they are...
im pretty happy with how i did in the hsc but then again i could be overestimating myself hahahah
RANKS w/ overall internal score
English Advanced: 12/60 [77] (we all got marked down harsh in trials lmao)
Maths Standard 2: 1/27 [93]
Modern History: 7/22 [84]
Textiles: 1/10 [94]
i thought i wasnt nominated and was kinda disappointed but what a joy to receive the email today!!! now i have to write the stupid artists statement 😭😭😭