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  1. C

    Is this allowed?

    that’s not how copyright works, unless you explicitly give up the right to a work you maintain copyright over it
  2. C

    Is this allowed?

    I guess it’s a grey area but I would say that you still own the copyright since I don’t believe any statement is made otherwise when uploading
  3. C

    salt don’t pester me on eastern avenue anymore they just give me dirty looks because they know...

    salt don’t pester me on eastern avenue anymore they just give me dirty looks because they know who I am now, life is good
  4. C

    Is this allowed?

    pretty much yeah, I think they do a quick check to make sure it’s actually what you said and that’s it one of the uploads of one of my essays has no spaces lol, idk how they stuffed up that bad
  5. C

    Is this allowed?

    a lot of the resources on other websites are reuploaded from here, studocu is especially bad because they make you upload a document to download a document (unless you pay) and so a lot of people will just look for the first thing they have downloaded to upload, which might be your document...
  6. C

    Course Withdraw

    99% sure you wouldn’t
  7. C

    Why do private schools deserve state funding again?

    private schools get more federal funding whereas public schools get more state funding, it adds up to only slightly more funding for private schools which yeah is pretty insane
  8. C

    Does a Bachelor of Arts (History) lead anywhere?

    ive noticed a lot of the recruiters interviewing me for internships did history majors
  9. C

    omg actually love that show, hide & seek Japan was actually such a good series, like probably my...

    omg actually love that show, hide & seek Japan was actually such a good series, like probably my favourite yet other than maybe the original tag
  10. C

    Australia MIGHT go into a recession

    to be fair per capita we weren’t doing as great but yeah I do agree that the media is very negative, makes sense since nobody is going to be reading an article about how Australia continues to be doing reasonably well and be one of the best places in the world to live in
  11. C

    atar range

    nah chems chill
  12. C

    he’ll be back in a day dw

    he’ll be back in a day dw
  13. C

    trust once you get adjusted it becomes way easier the content is still harder but there’s so...

    trust once you get adjusted it becomes way easier the content is still harder but there’s so many free marks and stuff
  14. C

    When should I be finished the content in extension 2?

    that’s good, i finished in summer holidays but honestly any time a few months before trials is amazing because you get so much time to do trial papers
  15. C

    First Years 2025 Chat

    you’ll get used to uni and then it becomes much easier
  16. C

    First Years 2025 Chat

    gonna be real ive literally never heard someone say that mq has the best business school
  17. C

    a boy

    just slowly ramp things up and if he likes you he’ll get the memo eventually
  18. C

    Tutoring advice/preperation

    what @iloveeggs said is pretty much spot on, beyond that you’ll sorta get a reading for the kind of student they are pretty quickly, some kids will just need you to keep them up to date while others you’ll be able to go ahead, just sorta keep with their pace. in terms of explanations it takes a...
  19. C

    How do uni degrees work?

    im pretty sure you need the masters to actually be accredited, so if you can having that guaranteed from the start is pretty nice also regarding offer rounds they start after atar comes out, unless you’re applying for gateway entry
  20. C

    atar range

    band 6/5 are qualifiers for aligned marks not raw marks, so you can actually just use a normal ATAR calculator for this :)