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  1. MJRey

    Book Review Dump***

    My HSC text/similar recommendations 1. Emma by Jane Austen (I'm reading it right now and loving it, whilst there's romance there's no smut; it's more about self-discovery and features social commentary, great irony and wit) 2. Atonement by Ian McEwan (it's not a HSC text but it's a modern...
  2. MJRey

    how do u know if someone doesnt wanna be ur friend?

    One way you can tell is if you guys fall out of touch for a bit, then reconnect later down the line (maybe six months or so later) and the friendship/situationship/whatever you wanna call it gets better than it was before.
  3. MJRey

    Book Review Dump***

    That's awesome, I've lost my copy of it somewhere but I'm hoping I can find it soon! Yeah, I know the scene you're talking about, that had me balling my eyes out. 😭😭 But that was definitely an excellent scene, I think it's the best acting I've ever seen from Andrew Garfield. I actually think...
  4. MJRey

    Book Review Dump***

    Was so lucky to study this in Extension 1 English, really one of the greatest and most influential sci-fi stories ever.
  5. MJRey

    Book Review Dump***

    What do you think of Never Let Me Go? I haven't read the book but I adored the movie and want to give the book a go at some stage this year.
  6. MJRey

    English Syllabus Change from 2027

    I don't think that's necessarily a good thing though.
  7. MJRey

    Last movie you watched? And what you thought of it?

    The Prestige, I reckon it's Nolan's best film ngl. It's a clever concept and the acting is amazing.
  8. MJRey

    Any good shows/movies?

    Silo's also good.
  9. MJRey

    English Syllabus Change from 2027

    Same, honestly feel so sorry for everyone in 2027 onwards. Some of my cousins who are sitting their HSCs next year are pissed about the changes too, but they feel lucky they'll be the last cohorts with the decent syllabus.
  10. MJRey

    English Syllabus Change from 2027

    Which one?
  11. MJRey

    English Syllabus Change from 2027

    I apologise for my targeted retaliation.
  12. MJRey

    English Syllabus Change from 2027

    Some Shakespeare texts are more sophisticated than others, and you misquoted me. I said too basic for Year 12, it is more appropriate as a Year 11 or 10 text. Also, Orwell wrote specifically about communism, which is a leftist ideology (you can look it up yourself), which leads to...
  13. MJRey

    English Syllabus Change from 2027

    100%. I didn't wanna say it but you're right, they have dumbed down the prescribed texts slightly. I get the rationale too, but ironically, the rejigging of the syllabus just proves Orwell's points on dumbing down language and hence dumbing down the quality of people's thoughts in my opinion.
  14. MJRey

    English Syllabus Change from 2027

    Agree with this too. They're making Advanced more like Standard in that regard 😢
  15. MJRey

    Any good shows/movies?

    Slow Horses
  16. MJRey

    English Syllabus Change from 2027

    I agree with all your points. Moving Othello to Year 12 is dumb since I think it's too basic for Year 12 study. I'm also annoyed that they removed 1984 from the syllabus because it's an essential text that makes crucial points on the dangers of totalitarianism and how it subverts the truth...
  17. MJRey

    English Syllabus Change from 2027

    Sorry if I'm late to the party, but did you all hear about the syllabus changes for English? They're scrapping a whole bunch of texts from 2027, some of those including 1984, T.S Eliot's poetry, The Crucible, Frankenstein, Seamus Heaney's poetry, The Merchant of Venice etc. I'm bringing this...
  18. MJRey

    DET blocked BOS???

    A lot of teachers at my school directed us to BoS lol (that was two years ago though so maybe things have changed)
  19. MJRey

    Why are all the raw marks so low for extension 1 on rawmarks database?

    Well was it a hard paper? I know Extension 1 is already difficult but if it was harder than it should have been then that would explain it.