3 year premed is faster than 5 year pharmacy, this is the sense in which it is faster.
OP literally listed 3 degrees, of which 3 year premed was one of the fastest, I don’t know why you have a problem with this.
Each medical department operates its graduate entries in a similar, but not entirely different fashion.
I never said having a non premed degree was bad, I said of the degrees OP listed premed was likely a faster way to get to MD, which is true.
My former students include: nurses, engineers...
I literally work alongside academics who determine program requirements at the University of Newcastle, I know many people involved in these processes.
There are the requirements you tell people, then there are the strategic internal requirements (premed programs are quite new in Australia and...
You're just a bit dim and don't understand how the tertiary education system works (typical of anons on Bored of Studies - the reason Bored of Studies is not a reliable resource apart from some past papers with sources).
Obviously, they are going to preference their own departmental candidates...
Like, UOW offers a bachelor's degree in Premed, obviously they are going to preference graduates from that program when they are offering positions to their MD. If you disagree, you're not arguing with me, you're arguing with UOWs own department of medicine.
Also, every degree can lead to a...
Read the program description: "Any student (Domestic or International) in the Bachelor of Pre-Medicine, Science and Health, with a weighted GPA of 6.5 or above, who have met the minimal entry requirements for all other criteria, will be guaranteed an interview for the UOW Doctor of Medicine...
Maybe, if they work in a not overly intellectually challenging base level health job while they study (pharmacy assistant, nursing assistant, hospital worker, medical secretary, etc) then they would have a job for life even if they didn't like med or were unable to gain access. Some nursing...
You really need to choose if you want to be a doctor or a pharmacist, no one can tell you which is better for you, you need to make a decision then stick with it.
The pharmacy program will likely be 5 years full time, you will not be able to exit early and practice as a registered pharmacist as...
y=\int\left(\int 3x^2-2x+1\,dx\right)\,dx\\
The constants of integration will appear after the integration is completed, not prior. Apart from this, it is actually perfectly fine notation. (This kind of integral nesting is not an uncommon style of notation in applied mathematics and physics, in...
So they’re all going to have quiet a high workload…
USYD pharmacy is probably the most time consuming of the three as pharmacy is accredited, but Premed and Psych at UOW are also going to have a lot going on (especially if the psych program you’re talking about forms part of an APAC sequence)...
Profile says HSC 2023, which is entirely consistent with his poor understanding of systems of education. I’ve taught thousands of students over the years and it’s very common for year 11-12 students to falsely imagine they know everything, I go through this kind of dance ever year.
You simply don’t understand how the education system works, there is no shame in not understanding something you are not educated or skilled in.
You and Lucas are simply children, recently out of the system, who have been brainwashed by your schools into believing the school system is all about...
This comment demonstrates a quite poor understand of the education system, and why you support gatekeeping materials even if the materials could benefit others (which is obviously not in the best interest of the education system or of anyone for that matter).
Education is not a uniquely...
That’s an interesting question, I believe cross products is included in extension2 and is never taught in extension1 unless as an optional flex topic. I often teach cross products to the ex1 students I tutor, as doing dot and cross together makes sense to me, and the university calc1/calc2...
First, you should know that there is no point in attending a university if you cannot achieve exceptional results in an environment of equal access to resources, this is particularly true in STEM faculties, but true of the university system in general, and if you want financial support, you can...