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  1. gooner

    exothermic or endothermic?

    i didnt mean the test tube i meant the solution itself, where is it gonna get the heat from, closest thing to it is the test tube
  2. gooner

    exothermic or endothermic?

    if that shit is confusing you might wanna go back to year 8 science
  3. gooner

    exothermic or endothermic?

    if it absorbs heat why the fuck would the tube get hotter??
  4. gooner

    anyone cheat on the HSC?

    good boy
  5. gooner

    anyone cheat on the HSC?

    yeah you would like that in your transvestite pussy wouldnt you
  6. gooner

    Idiots Assemble

    ok 65 makes sense but not 50 😭
  7. gooner

    is qantas a mad cunt stock?

    rate the portfolio 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
  8. gooner

    Idiots Assemble

    no way your atar is predicted to be 50?? u could piss on the paper and get higher bruh the avg atar is 70
  9. gooner

    is qantas a mad cunt stock?

    nigga u have money to trade?? who let this bitch on commsec
  10. gooner

    The 2024 U.S. election thread 🇺🇸 🦅

    bra fuck both them cunts they all jew lovers no difference in the end
  11. gooner

    top 120 school vs bottom 200 school

    you dont get group projects in hsc it doesnt matter, u can thug it out for 1.75 years. sell your life and chase the bag
  12. gooner

    Idiots Assemble

    maybe put an ounce of effort in your studies...
  13. gooner

    Abortion could be banned in Queensland soon

    mane if u want your kid to be retarded u stupid af idk why anyone would want to willingly raise a tard
  14. gooner

    top 120 school vs bottom 200 school

    bruh why wouldnt you move
  15. gooner

    Abortion could be banned in Queensland soon

    you can if they cannot consent or say no e.g. down syndrome
  16. gooner

    Abortion could be banned in Queensland soon

    i think we should be able to kill fetuses to toddlers up to 5 years old
  17. gooner

    Abortion could be banned in Queensland soon

    i fucken hate babies kill them all
  18. gooner

    what should i drop ??

    drop your worst subject goofy
  19. gooner

    rant: end of y11 and i feel like a failure

    its 3 terms you can afford to drop extracurriculuars for 3 terms
  20. gooner

    2024 HSC Chat

    fuck chem