look i really doubt nesa will ask only for tribunals which if they do only ask that it'll be like a 4 marker saying refer to an example so we won't need 2
my prepared discursive is for a 12 marker so if i see that im literally gonna write an extra paragraph about whatever i can come up with and hope that gives me at least 15 (thats if my prepared discursive works with the question which its over if it aint)
No clue what the question will be for them just as long as it aint anything specific like for Henry if they say something about comedy or falstaff imma end it but as much as nesa loves putting extracts in i really hope there isnt gonna be one but for keats theyve already done a st agnes extract...
so ive done a bit of looking at the past papers to see what they might ask for the crime 15 marker and ever since they changed the syllabus in i think it was 2011 or something they have never asked the same question whether it be a theme or a syllabus dot point which for the past three papers...