To be honest I'd rather it be two just to write more. I always end up with a ton of time left so I want to write the full 5 paragraphs I have planned haha.
I reckon one. From what I've seen it's been holistic(Either "at least ONE" or "TWO") quite a bit in previous years so it may be specific to only one year.
Could you not calculate weighted internal assessment averages for the top students and determine ranks that way? Thats what my school did for certain subjects prior to ranks being officially announced.
To be honest I hardly spoke about retention/recruiting. All I said was comparing global skills/supply/cost to domestic and how the business may be impacted since thats what I thought it was asking. Did you talk about specific recruitment/retention strategies in that case?
Edit: Oh I didn't see you said short answers. I re-wrote 2 questions in extra writing space since I felt I didn't answer them well enough(Q21 a) and the Niche market question). I wasn't too concerned about the others since SA isn't marked too hardly I think.
Yeah thats true. I'm really confident in my extended responses however, but at the end of the day you're right about the single marker. A 96 should scale up to a state rank anyways honestly.
Yeah this was my one chance to actually one up him which sucks, but tbh I'll settle for a SR even if it's not super high. I knew 100 was doable but even so I still have to get kinda lucky w/ extended responses & SA to pull a 98 raw, particularly since SA is only marked once.