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  1. I

    Chemistry Predictions/Thoughts

    ive accepted my fate because i cant really bring up my skill or knowledge any further. it is what it is
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    Chemistry Predictions/Thoughts

    unfortunately i am a rote learner for chem bc i simply dont have time to look over everything and ive just been doing pastpapers
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    Chemistry Predictions/Thoughts

    what is the hardest paper in the new syllabus? just because i wanna practice that one first
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    2024 HSC Chat

    not sure how internal moderation works, if I'm ranked kinda middle but then i do really good for hsc how would that affect my internal score? or what if I'm a bit higher ranked but i do bad for that hsc subject?
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    2024 HSC Chat

    loll I'm just wondering bc i really need to bring my atar up with eng and if it just scales ok then i need to carry with my sciences which.. i cant do
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    2024 HSC Chat

    do u guys think this years adv english will scale well? does anyone have a scaled mark estimate for a raw mid 80s?
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    2024 HSC Chat

    guys i forgot but how does the performance of your schools cohort affect your scaling? does it affect both internal and ext?
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    Mathematics Advanced Predictions/Thoughts

    guys would they mark what’s on the page like in chem……. i wrote the IQR and range stuff on the box plot
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    2024 HSC Chat

    does anyone know if discursives are marked more harshly than imaginatives or is there no real way to indicate this? people say you have a better chance of good marks on an imaginative
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    2024 HSC Chat

    guys do you have to state where every quote comes from or can you just situate it? do i have to say like "quote" (1.12) ? my tutor said i don't have to do this in the hsc