how does resonance work in tubes and what is the formula for it, i am doing a depth study where i have to show how length affects the resonance frequency, however i have no idea how this works in tubes and how to calculate this. is the wavelength for the resonant frequency the same as the length...
just want to see how people approach a question like this:
where A and B are unknown pronumerals and e is Euler's number
if you are given 2 random data points like say (4,782) and (14, 980)
(yes these numbers are similar to what we got, one number barely 20 and the other pushing the...
oh ok, yeah cause mostly im struggling with like mystery questions, where they give you an unknown question on a book/play/piece that you analyse throughout the terms and you have to write an essay on that just on the spot. so what if you get an unknown question type assessment are you basically...
i also see you do english ext 2 so can i just ask you. what about english? how do you improve that, for me english has never made much sense and i always feel like teachers be digging too deep and analysing too much. as much as i sucked at like every subject i sucked even more at english to the...
throughout school ive been on and off different tutoring centres all the time, whether it was a large company or a private tutor they all seem to make promises that they cant keep, idk it never worked for me and i stopped tutoring about a term before year 11 and i noticed no decline in grades...
hi not sure if this is the right place to post this but whatever
so ive got a goal of getting into medicine after i finish highschool, im in year 11 term 2 as of writing this but my scores arent nearly good enough for such a competitive course, ive been getting very inconsistent marks between...