What do i need to know from year 7-10 chemistry for year 11 and 12 chem?? - im trying to go over all the fundamentals and get them down pat.. but even in textbooks all the topics are a bit adhoc and theres no like "revision from past years"
What do i need to know from year 7-10 chemistry for year 11 and 12 chem?? - im trying to go over all the fundamentals and get them down pat.. but even in textbooks all the topics are a bit adhoc and theres no like "revision from past years"
also the feedback that my teacher gave me was mainy "answering the question" and that i have too much stuff in ts. she said that its better not to have too many ideas Ideas and instead have to flow and link together. she also said that the Marker must see clear though process.
ohhh that definitely gave me a new perspective!!! how you use niche articles to 'support' your arguments!!! do you know where i could possible find these articles and how i could effectively integrate them into your response to support your argument?? maybe an example??
i feel like i really genuinely do NOT know how to study in terms in english as a whole... esp in ext when my teacher will just give us random readings to do... and in class when my teacher would say todo something everyone would be away typing on their laptops or doing written work and analysing...
okay so basically we did a response on "a heart of darkness" for ext1 where we had 30 mins to write a response to a weird as question:in what ways does conrad use the imgery of light and dark, and to what end?
and my teacher usually grades in class tasks and this was our first one a she gave me...
can someone give me sor2 advice?? maybe how to organise notes, useful websites, keywords in answers because my teacher- whilst giving feedack said to use keywords from the syllabus??
tips for doing a language continuers subject??? and how to do succeed?? - general tips on how to learn language and get better in reading, writing and comprehending??
heyy so basically, in terms of study and assessments- i would usually read the text/ novel and then ask chatgpt for analysis on quotes, then literally just wing it in my exam and hope it turns out good. now that i put it in words its definitely not AT ALL the most efficient and effective way to...