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  1. W

    2026 HSC CHAT

    Why would I beat my schlong to fat gay billie birds of a feather we should fuck together I know
  2. W

    2026 HSC CHAT

    i think its the last straw im gonna let go god
  3. W

    @ellurbee god not u all u do is complain

    @ellurbee god not u all u do is complain
  4. W

    BOS followers = nobody gives a fuck

    BOS followers = nobody gives a fuck
  5. W

    2026 HSC CHAT

    I have seen @jane1820 so its not really 'artificial' yikes im gonna come soon im so horny rn
  6. W

    2026 HSC CHAT

    u can suck my big one while at it
  7. W

    2026 HSC CHAT

    suck a dick
  8. W

    2026 HSC CHAT

    oi what do u think of carti's trash album
  9. W

    2026 HSC CHAT

    'definitely not this person' instant violation @Socialism. getting treated like a nobody is crazy personally wouldn't take that esp from this nook
  10. W

    stop complainng so mch about ur life girl I bet ur friends secretly despise u

    stop complainng so mch about ur life girl I bet ur friends secretly despise u
  11. W

    2026 HSC CHAT

    @its_ace21 girl ur literally the most jobless 2023 here. nobody of ur cohort is here anymore what r u still doing here
  12. W

    an actual gronk

    an actual gronk
  13. W

    he did it on purpose for godsake

    he did it on purpose for godsake
  14. W

    im talking about india mate literacy is key. even for nerds that spend their whole day studying

    im talking about india mate literacy is key. even for nerds that spend their whole day studying
  15. W

    stanky as fuck living in india is a death sentence in itself

    stanky as fuck living in india is a death sentence in itself
  16. W

    bitter indian get out of here no one was talking to ya go munch on some more curry and make...

    bitter indian get out of here no one was talking to ya go munch on some more curry and make sure u buy some more perfume 🤮
  17. W

    more like the opposite actually imaoo

    more like the opposite actually imaoo
  18. W

    English Advanced tips? (Mod A currently)

    yes if hes english is 'so bad' as he exaggerates it then why is he even doing advanced this whole post screams 'I extremely struggle with english advanced when it comes to nonmemorising' standard is an option
  19. W

    yeah please dont list it coz I know most of them arent related to studying 🤮🤮

    yeah please dont list it coz I know most of them arent related to studying 🤮🤮
  20. W

    yeah im nonya business

    yeah im nonya business