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Search results

  1. F

    US Exchange (which one to go?)

    Wharton at Penn is by farrrr the strongest business school that you've listed - it's probably the top business school in the country!
  2. F

    US Exchange (which one to go?)

    In terms of prestige, UPenn and Cal would probably be the top two. UNC's pretty good, as is NYU. What are you looking for in your exchange, though? Do you want a sports school, a school in a huge city, something in california, something in the south? These questions probably matter more for an...
  3. F

    Applying for MIT

    I'm pretty sure not. You have to declare your general area at the end of your freshman year, and then I think you pick something more specific. I was looking intently at the combined chemistry/physics concentration when I was choosing colleges, so I don't know too much about the engineering side...
  4. F

    Applying for MIT

    Oh, when I say my friends here, I mean my friends at Yale. Yale is far, far stronger than MIT for almost everything that isn't science or engineering, and at an undergraduate level, the opportunities for students in the sciences are probably similar to what one would receive at MIT. It doesn't...
  5. F

    Applying for MIT

    Ummm I didn't apply for MIT, but I did apply to a handful of other top 5 colleges in the US. Feel free to message me - a lot of my friends here got into MIT and turned it down, so I can ask them for help.
  6. F

    Getting into Cambridge from the humble HSC

    I think so. The cases I've heard where it's helped a lot have been olympiad medals or honourable mentions.
  7. F

    Getting into Cambridge from the humble HSC

    I go to Yale. I think I read somewhere that Oxbridge prized themselves on not taking into account extracurriculars, and only taking the brightest academics. I think if you went to IMO and you were applying for a mathematics degree, or if you'd interned in some banks and you were applying for...
  8. F

    Getting into Cambridge from the humble HSC

    Oh my gosh, this is one of the most misinformed threads I've seen on this website. Extracurriculars which aren't directly related to your field of study don't mean anything to Cambridge. I didn't apply, but I did consider it (before I decided to apply to US colleges instead). You'll need to be...
  9. F

    SAT advice?

    Hey :) I'm currently at Yale (and got lucky with Harvard and Princeton admissions), so I might be able to help a bit. Make sure that you keep track of the time during the essay - it goes by surprisingly quickly. Don't erase anything on your essay, as it'll probably be really blurry when it's...
  10. F

    Is anyone planning on studying some kind of science in university? If so, were at?

    Re: Is anyone planning on studying some kind of science in university? If so, were at From what I've heard, Sydney's better for pure science (especially in the physical sciences), but UNSW's better for enginering. My parents agree, and they both hold science degrees from UNSW... Another good...
  11. F

    How to decline USYD 2nd Round Offer?

    Yup, law's postgrad, but I'm not even doing law in Australia at the moment (although I almostttt did a combined degree, which is why I posted in here :/). I'm doing a bachelor of arts or science in the US; I'm doing science here at the moment.
  12. F

    would 99.95 atar guarantee an entry to HARVARD university???

    >.> All that matters is that you make the most of your educational opportunities. None of the Australian Harvard acceptees I know who didn't get recruited for sport (then again, I only know two..) did IB; both of us did VCE or HSC and obtained very high ATARs. 99.95 definitely isn't a...
  13. F

    would 99.95 atar guarantee an entry to HARVARD university???

    I applied to three American colleges, and I turned down Harvard for one of the others. American colleges have something called financial aid, which often makes studying there cheaper than studying at private schools in Australia (I went to a state school)... in any case, I'm not paying full fee...
  14. F

    How to decline USYD 2nd Round Offer?

    Um I'm dropping out of ANU at the end of the semester. The US starts in late August; offers came out in late March (after ANU started). Got into Princeton as well as Harvard and Yale, but meh, believe whatever you want.
  15. F

    would 99.95 atar guarantee an entry to HARVARD university???

    In short, no. Absolutely no way. I did get 99.95, and I did get into Harvard, but by no means was my ATAR the defining part of my application. Keep in mind that few Americans even know what an ATAR is. To get into somewhere like Harvard, you have to demonstrate your personality on an...
  16. F

    How to decline USYD 2nd Round Offer?

    Hate to bump an old message with a response which is barely relevant, but I'm honestly facepalming at whoever's saying that everyone would choose Harvard over Yale. It's about a 60-40 split, and besides, if all you know about the universities is their name, you're probably not going to get far...
  17. F

    ANU Chatter Thread

    Re: ANU 2011 Semester 1 Chatter Thread If we're talking about maths related things, can I just say that 1115 is eating up my life...
  18. F

    ANU/Canberra 2011 Rollcall

    I'll be at ANU too! PhBing - I'll probably be studying 1st year maths and chemistry, along with 2nd year physics and maybe a bit of biology and music at some stage.
  19. F

    Australian Science Olympiads

    Brother school not being Ruse. My school's in Victoria (which pretty much gives away my school, and my brother school... if anyone checks the olympiad team/summer school representation). Anyway, good luck everyone! I know that there's a handful of people in this thread who've been to the...
  20. F

    Just thought I'd drop by and say hello :)

    Just thought I'd drop by and say hello :)