i do tutoring for chemistry for both prelim and hsc levels. i am also located near fairfield. But i tutor at librariers, mainly wetherill park library which is like 5mins from fairfield. If u could get here, that would be great.
it didnt work out when i posted, sorry guys but the conjugate line is menat to on top of z^2 (the second term). Also this is menat to be the case for the locus graph where z=conjugate z.
hey guys got these two questions which are driving me nuts, as i found so many answers and i know they are all wrong.
3|z|^2 + z ^2 + 2z = 0
how would u draw the locus |z|=2 (i know its a circle...
heys having trouble with 2b and 4b.
with 2b, my graph looks kinda weird like a circle and z and conjugate z. But what does the \ sign have to do with it?
with 4b, i answered it, but got an imaginary number as a solution, before subbing my x and y values into the cartesian form z=x+iy...
OMG im in the exactly same position as you. So what does everyone recommend. I chose advance maths units to, and have done 4u maths in yr 12. But heard it is really hard.
Who here is going to this day on sunday?
For those who have been in previopus years, is it acyually worth while to go on this day. Would it be the same thing as going to the orientation days??
Leave any thoughts below: :D
Hi, do you need help with your subjects and want to bring really high marks, keep reading...
ABOUT ME: I am a 2008 HSC student who brought all band 6s in most of my subjetcs, except english with 88. My...
I tutor business studies and standard english, mainly one to one. But i still have group lessons with only 2 students in them only. I'm located in Wetherill Park, which is not that far from Bonnyrigg. For more information, pm me.