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  1. S

    Should the salaries of federal ministers be increased?

    I would think raising the salaries is deserved. The public service puts them in the spotlight and is a full-on occupation, a demanding job. They are doing the work we voted them in for, so why not pay them properly. They are not paid nearly enough to put up with the workload, media circus...
  2. S

    What are some funny teacher's comments you've recieved on an exam paper?

    History essay, my teacher would pick out flaws in my argument by writing "Aha!" next to it. All i can imagine is a marker sitting at home with a Sherlock Holmes outfit and magnifying glass. Aha!
  3. S

    Development and Expression Syllabus ambiguity

    For the significant person, what is the dividing line between development and expression? The two are so closely linked and often interchangeable!! For example, I'm doing St Paul in Christianity. Now his theology can be seen as 'development' of ideas AND significant in showing 'expression'...
  4. S

    confused with what the sylabus is asking. please help

    'the individual': don't be fooled by singular terminology, individual can be more than one person. It refers to both the mourner and the deceased, but with more emphasis on the mourner - funerals are for the living, so how the tradition consoles them, etc.
  5. S

    Advice on rankings - help

    Trials coming up in a week and a bit Doing 12 units. Marked and ranked really badly in Maths (Advanced) - 55/65. Do I neglect maths, so it won't count to the UAI and instead devote more time to the other subjects, or try to bring it up to standard? (hard work...not much time....I'm no good.)...