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    Non- Award Subjects

    thanks alot ill porbably be picking hist 112 as i am interested in history but i have a little trouble in writing essays so ill have to work on dat
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    Non- Award Subjects

    thanks alot i was wondering which to do introduction to history or egyptian archeology
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    Non- Award Subjects

    i do like australian politics but i was thinking of a history subjects as well i was interested in history as well but i was just wondering which one is more difficult
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    Non- Award Subjects

    im also doing maths 123 i picked becuase its suppose to be easy and i done 3 unit at school but if anyone can suggest an easy subject ill be glad
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    Non- Award Subjects

    hey i just wanted to know about australian politics pol165 is an easy subjects as i just got my timtable and my subjects clashed so i have to pick another one and i got a shit uai is there any subjects that is dead easy and easy to pass or maybe like music or media
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    non award study subjects

    im doing two subjects i havent decided yet. but on pathways day ill decide and are u able to get the course book with the subjects on pathways day
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    non award study subjects

    i was also wondering with this award porgram how many days is it at university is it around 2-3 days a week or more
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    non award study subjects

    i was also wondering i was coming on pathways da would i be able to get the course book on that day and enrol for thaT non award course on that day i was wondering if there is very easy maths like 2u mathematics and easier
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    non award study subjects

    how do i obtain a course book , i was thinking of doing this program i am good at maths and i was thinking of doing physics and maths with economics and maybe statistics i was wondering if anyone knows if these subjects are all hard of basic maths i was doing this to get into bachelor of...
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    Eddy Currents

    How heating presents difficulties to society and the environment ? a question from my assignment can anyone help
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    transforers has anyone done an assignment

    thanks tanks but can u answer the one about the production of eddy currents in .....
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    transforers has anyone done an assignment

    does anyone know the answers to these questions i have a assignment on transformers function of transformers ? how a transformer works ? the production of eddy currents in transforemrs ? difficulties posed by the production of eddy currrents in transforemrs ? what steps are taken to...