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  1. H

    Different writting styles

    Sorry guys i am not in advanced english, but i thought you guys might be able to help me cos you are sposed to be good at english. I am doing VET-IT and the last section requires you to write in different formats. eg memos, reports etc. I have a very good content knowledge but difficulty in...
  2. H

    Memo's, Reports, etc

    I have a cery good ground knowledge of computin concepts and ideas but where i come unstuck is when they ask u to present stuff in different formats. Does anyone know where u can get information on presenting different types of reports and things. A website would be very useful Thanks
  3. H

    IT Online Quiz Group

    EEO stands for Equal Employment Opportunity. It refers to the rights of applicants for a job. All applicants will be given an equal chance to get a job and will be selected on their ability to complete the job and not descriminated on due to a disability, (unless their disability will hinder...
  4. H

    macfarlane burnet

    It has been asked This is a multiple choice question from the 2003 HSC 2. What was MacFarlane Burnette's major contibution to science A) Better understanding of the immune response B) Identification of complementary bases in DNA C) Proposal of the one gene-one protein hypothesis D)...
  5. H

    Last Min Study

    I am feeling pretty confident about the exam tomorrow but is there any last min things that you would recomend brushing up on..... Would be aprreciated
  6. H

    Congratulations Class of 2004.

    About time I am so glad tha ti never have to think about frontline, emma or lear again. They can kiss my arse. Plan on having a bon fire at the end of the HSC....English will definately be in it!