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  1. B

    Are the laws wrong?????????

    the conservation of energy principal states that energy cannot be created or destroyed right?? I came accross a question in an old physics exam (while practising for the real one) which went as follows: Deuterium and Tritium nuclei may fuse together as, as illistrated in the equation below...
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    ka and pka???

    hey thanks a heap.. i think i get it now (kind of) although i dont think weve been taught the ICE table. but i get the geist of it. thanks again BENTHEJACK
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    ka and pka???

    ka and pka cheers.. i hoped somone from here would know (im from newzealand) but since it has been taken from your syllabus i spose no-one will. but if you know any other forums i can ask ill be gratefull .... thanks :eek: benthejack :eek:
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    Chemistry Horror Stories

    yeah we had a dropkick for a chem teacher lastyear who decided to show us sodium reacting with water....... big glass tank with water in it.. sodium fizzez whizzes around a bit... hits the side of the tank.. ummm yeah it caused a bit of a bang and a rather large hole in the tank!!!
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    ka and pka???

    hey i was just wondering im studying a solubility section in a practise exam and i found a question which i cant find in my textbook. it goes like this: The weak acid HA has Ka=1.20*10^-6 Pka=5.92 Calculate the concentration of all species, other than water, that are present in a 0.05mol/L...
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    Ka and pKa??

    hey i was just wondering im studying a solubility section in a practise exam and i found a question which i cant find in my textbook. it goes like this: The weak acid HA has Ka=1.20*10^-6 Pka=5.92 Calculate the concentration of all species, other than water, that are present in a...
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    hey does anyone know any other forums which arnt based on these exams but where i can ask any questions about subjects??