directors (those in line for partnership) earn around that much. Partners earn a cut of the firms profits, which can be 300K for new partners, or quite alot higher for senior partners.
and a tax consultant has nothing to do with accounting!
aite. I gotta start studying for my exams...
...the Premier's was a fluke. But for the grace of god I wouldn't have gotten it. I had friends who deserved it alot more than my 2hrs of studying a day thru the HSC.
What is life? You can get all the glory and riches you need, Trump style, make Partner by 35 and earn $300k/year (that's...
tax consultant. its different from an auditor. its basically doing tax law stuff, doing returns for corps or high wealth persons.
u can get rich and all, but, in the end. everyone still dies. naked u come in, naked u go out. in the end, money and career is worthless.
its not too hard to...
I know alot of Commerce grad friends in each of the 4 firms, and I've just been through the summer vaccie process so in both cases everyone's been talking about this and that firm which is how we've come to know these things about each firm. You guys can take it on board if you want, or just...
lol didn't know that bout Deloitte. Wouldnt really want them anyway - they're like what PwCLegal is to law firms.
on scale of growth, KPMG is growing the fastest - they're exceeding their 10% revenue target atm. the others are growing too, but not as fast.
PwC actually just offered more...
Vaccie work is usually 8-9 weeks, with 2 week annual vacation between Christmas and NY.
I'm not sure bout other IBs..but Macq Bank is reallly hard to get into - something like 5+ rounds.
With any of the firms, job security is very good when you have a grad position with them. They'll...
penultimate is before ultimate so yeh, its before final yr.
the figures are wrong..
for 05/06 vacationers, its:
*KPMG $24/hr (standard 8:45-5:15 day, with 1hr lunch) - 900/week
*PWC $180 a day (equiv to KPMG, cept you don't get paid more if u need to stay back)
*Deloitte $19/hr (haha...
hey guys
im in 4th yr com/law @ unsw, i did my hsc in 2001. u don't need any knowledge to do law at all actually - they'll teach you everything (all the basic stuff) in the first subject and all the skills you'll need to have to read cases and answer legal problems. no one got an advantage...
GO BAULKO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
baulko seems to be going up every year, so at this rate, I reckon it'll beat ruse in a few years time. But man...the yr before me (2000) had only around 20 above 99UAI, my year (2001) had 40 above 99UAI, and 60 the next yr...soo at this rate..
its cos...
hello. If you're a straight BCom person. u average 4 subjects a session, 3hrs each = 12hrs in total. (Plus a 1 hr lab class for a subject or so every 3 weeks or so, but it's rare, depending on the subject). That's around average - depends on what major you do, but normally for a typical...
hey... SC (Senior Counsel) is the title awarded to barristers whose client base is large and prominent, and their work in law is such that they 'deserve' to be given such a title. It's somewhat a honourary title awarded to them in recognition of their eminence in law. SC's are the top...
hey there...
D average aint very hard for Commerce at UNSW. HD is harder... But for law, you'd be hitting the roof to get a D average...if u have a D average with law, the large law firms will be practically courting you in your later years and when you're applying for summer clerkships...
heh. torts is for wusses. wait til u get to 2nd yr and above and start doing hard core law....crim law, contracts, admin, property...where u have nothing to rely on except for your own ability to read bloody long rambling cases ... we dont even touch the textbook in contracts. all there is is...
damn rite!
I can give you a whole run down of law at USYD, UTS and UNSW right here and now - I've sat in lectures/tutes/classes at all three so I've seen how they're like.
UNSW's teaching style is like Harvard - classes of at most 40 students, you actually read judgments of cases for...
um. Premier's Award...yeh, 90+ in at least 10units. I got it. Man...judging from last year, it's getting easier to get - that just degrades the whole award! yeh neways, they do scale subjects, but nonetheless you'll find that some ppl who got heaps high UAI still didn't get a Premier's...
Campus Bible Study (CBS for short)...giant Christian group on campus, it's interdenominational, but was established by Anglicans. The Anglican Chaplain of UNSW is Phillip Jensen who is now also the Dean of St Andrews Cathedral (an anglican thingy). They're a very good group if you're...
hey there. I'm 2nd yr Com/Law at UNSW. Last year I was at UTS doing Bus/Law. I transferred to Com/Law this year...I talked to alot of people, employers, partners at law firms etc when making my mind...AGAIN about where to transfer. UNSW is definitely better for Com/Law. Commerce at UNSW...