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  1. B


    Same here, you *know* when the title is right. But if in doubt don't worry, better to leave it untitled than to have a real nasty one.
  2. B


    AMEN! pretentious titles make both me and markers vomit violently all over the works. Think, these people have been marking major works for years. They see it every year, "johhny Mc-year-twelve thinks he has gone through the looking glass and been ordained high priest of social commantary and...
  3. B

    Random facts about your stories.

    as long as you dont swear for the *tee hee* value and that the profanity is absolutly vital to the development and flow of the story and the possibility it would be a lesser work if you didn't swear, yeah maybe.
  4. B

    Random facts about your stories.

    I don't think swearing is a good idea. You never know what kind of marker you get, i wouldn't gamble. Remember it is an english assesment, no matter how creative you want to be, it's a critique of your english ability, swearing basically says, "im lazy and vulgar, DEDUCT MARKS FORM ME!" You see...
  5. B

    Japan anyone?

    I did japan in both HSC and uni, what do you need help with
  6. B

    links to advanced and ext 1 courses

    I also did genre. Basically what they are looking for is the ability to apply concepts from one field to another. My genre was crime fiction and my short story was a historical fiction set in 18th century Japan. I liked the two by saying how genre was manipulated, I don’t know what genre your...
  7. B

    The Story telling thread

    ...the world continued on as best as it could between the darkness and the light... (This is such a girl thing to do, hehe, sorry, mine is from last years HSC, Dibs on the copyright when its done, could end up being a good story mmmmmmmmmmmm amalgamation)
  8. B

    Sydney Writers' Festival

    went last year, it was ok, looks to be better this year. only useful for journal filler to bulshit that it inspired you. But if your really broke on ideas and need something to awaken the grey matter i'd check it out,
  9. B

    Random facts about your stories.

    I think the fact my Major work wasn't in showcase but is now being considered for publishing by Penguin shows that at the end of the day you are being marked via a criteria. If tis criteria is not filled, you will not get marks. My story was a good 'ol narritive, nothing *too* tricky or fancy...
  10. B

    Major Work Stumble...

    I did 4 u eng last year, and did a short story which is now being listed for publishing by puffin so these are my thoughts. When writing teh 4u short story you have to remember one thing, at the end of the day is your work, coherant, articulate, innovative, and most importantly engaging (theres...
  11. B

    Does anyone have information about font choice?

    its at this stage i rekon i am cool enough to quote myslef. Please, for the sake of your own coolness, or what remains of it stop arguing over fonts, your making fools of yourself.
  12. B

    Does anyone have information about font choice?

    what are you, like a idiot or something?
  13. B

    how do i bullshit...

    umm, the reasearch you "did" perhaps. How it answers the enduring questions of life?
  14. B

    Does anyone have information about font choice?

    yeah, i doubt someone is gonna pull out the ruler, let alone take a mark off for having your text a few milimetres off. this convo is starting to get trivial, hell why dun you hand write it in calligraphy with the finest giant squid ink and peacock feather.
  15. B

    2005 CSSA English Advanced Trial

    yeah, i did that exam today, twas long. But i just think that 40pgs, is fairly copius for what the question/s were asking. I only put in 10 pages per response to keep them relevant. Anyway goodluck.
  16. B

    2005 CSSA English Advanced Trial

    i dont think im the one with assurence problems. i dont need to lie. i dont need to write a tome to ace tests either.
  17. B

    is it 'illegal' to have my detective as the killer?!

    i don't think you had one. Stoppard wrote it in '68, absurdist texts were the reality shows of today, also the play fits the fundamental conventions of absurdist theatre. Most people's teachers would be crammin that down out throats, if not every study guide ive seen has, and stoppard also...
  18. B

    2005 CSSA English Advanced Trial

    no you didn't.