mmm yeah the sheet for our specific cruise says "ALL personal alcohol" will be conficated or whatever until the end opf the cruise... so i think they changed the rules for ours
Lol, I hope they tell us to do whatever the hell we want
But, is it likely that they will ask us for 3 (or more) case studies? Because, in that case, I'm probably screwed. Like I know they've never done it before... but still...?
But "Injury Management" is under a completely different question to the ethical questions etc, that's what threw me... like "returning to play" or something along those lines would have been more relevant??
And the ethical question dotpoints/dashpoints dont even mention injury management! aaaah...
I agree loz! I'm not a huge fan of beer! Except it's just so much cheaper...and, I do like Extra Dry and heineken.
And apparently there are a fairly high proportion of girls compared to guys! you're in luck if you're a guy! :( but I'm not certain!
LOL groovy loz? really?
haha look your thread has fired up hugely!
Im so so so so excited...
I wish we didn't have to go through hell first lol, but i guess that'll make it better
eeeee cant wait!
Oh yeah I talk
I think the 3 person room is similar to the 4 person room except probably has a bit more space? Caus' some of our friends have them and some have the 4 persons so i think there's not that much difference
If someone drops out from your room doesn't it mean that the remaing people have to pay extra? Well at least thats what we were told? I dont know if its like, the whole cost of the other person or what though...Unless hyou find someone to take their place heaps quick!
bahahahhahahahah LAMBIIEEE! Kara, whose room are you in again on schoolies??
Loz im baaack! You talk such rubbish on this thing! N what's your photo of?
Does anyone know what the go is with the rooms or whatever? Like i know i'm in with 3 of my friends, but how do they allocate where on the boat you are and stuff?
Yeah, my friends said they have this desk or whatever and you just go tell them when you want to put more money on and they do it electronicly or whatever