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  1. kezz_xxxx

    Post your 2006 UAI here!

    SAM: 80.4 UAI: 80.35 I'm stoked!! Way better than I thought I was going to go and much more than I needed :) Congrats to everyone who got 90+!
  2. kezz_xxxx

    Just saw Brand New live. Now I hate them. Dashboard however are funny.

    Underoath were bad live? Damn. I really really wanted to see them at Taste of Chaos but couldn't go due to exams and stuff. I thought they'd be really excellent live, ditto for Brand New. That's dissapointing. I still hope that Brand New tour here after they release the new album though.
  3. kezz_xxxx


    Scrubs is one of the greatest shows around. I have Seasons 1 to 5 on DVD. Very rarely watch it on tv because it's on far too late. Normal tv that is. I don't have Austar or anything so I'm a bit behind. Pity that :(
  4. kezz_xxxx

    STAR scheme for SCU

    I got offered a place in the Bachelor of Psych with Honours for 2007. Very excited! I only got my letter on Friday though.......the 17th. Which is earlier than I expected. I need a little help though. Does anyone know if I accept and defer my entry if I will still get Main Round offers in...
  5. kezz_xxxx

    6-7 mark questions you'd like

    Something else I would really dislike: Description/Evaluation/Assessment on the prac for the sulfate content in fertiliser. I hate that prac.
  6. kezz_xxxx

    6-7 mark questions you'd like

    Core: Biopolymers, Haber process, contributions of Lowry, Davy etc (Whatever dp that is) as long as it ISN'T BATTERIES! Shipwrecks: Solubility/Availability of gases at depth, SRB, restoration/preservation of artifacts.
  7. kezz_xxxx

    Legal Studies 2006 - general thoughts on the exam

    I do Family and Global Environment as well. Family is easy for law reform, there's heaps you can talk about. Global is a little trickier. I talked about how individuals can access the legal system now and talked about Australia's commitments to international obligations through the...
  8. kezz_xxxx

    Section 3 - Focus Studies

    Family and Global Environment. Both part (a). I had a feeling it would be law reform so I was happy :)
  9. kezz_xxxx

    Section 2 - Crime

    No scenario! So weird! I also thought it was pretty strange that we wrote about criminal justice AND a HR issue (as someone has said). I got a bit confused on the International crimes thing as well. I said Crimes against humanity (ie. genocide) and Transnational Crimes (ie.drug trafficking)...
  10. kezz_xxxx

    Section 1 - Law & Society

    Multiple choice was the worst part of the whole paper. So bad. My first few answers were: 1-A 2-B 3-A 4-B 5-A Surely that isn't right. I hate it when you get answers like that, or 3 D's in a row or something. I was really unsure about 5. Unsure about most of them actually. Eh...
  11. kezz_xxxx

    Help remembering Reactivity Series

    Peter Said Barry Could Marry Anne Zebra Is The Little [H]orse Many Stripes Painted Gold Potassium Sodium Barium Calcium Magnesium Aluminium Zinc Iron Tin Lead [Hydrogen] Mercury Silver Platinum Gold Our teacher loves that one. But I generelly use our SRP table/Periodic table.
  12. kezz_xxxx

    Exam Thoughts

    I was pretty happy with this exam. Way easier than I was expecting it to be but I'm sure I made some silly mistakes in places. Most likely multiple choice. Ugh. Annoying. I do communications and again, it was far easier than expected. The only one I had a bit of in was the last question about...
  13. kezz_xxxx

    Order of sections

    ABC-Best to worst. Powerplay was an icky question anyway so I'm glad I did it in that order.
  14. kezz_xxxx

    Module B: Critical Study of Texts

    Speeches: It was a good question, fairly similar to others I have had in the past so it was easy enough to write about. The only annoying thing was that they only asked for two speeches. As people have said already. I managed to write 8 pages by talking about context, values and whatever they...
  15. kezz_xxxx

    Module A: Comparative Study of Texts and Context

    I loved this question for BR/BNW. When I first read it I was a bit 'Ah, wtf?' but thankfully I realised what it was actually asking. I had a prepared essay and pretty much wrote that, slightly adjusting it to fit the question. No more English :D
  16. kezz_xxxx

    What were first impressions of the atmosphere and the supervisors?

    We use our clocks as well. Never used stopwatches. I was ok heading into the exam but when we actually had to sit down with the paper in front of us and everything I started to get a bit stressed, especially with everyone else stressing around me. But then the supervisor/year advisor had a...
  17. kezz_xxxx

    Music 1 Exam Thoughts...

    Re: Thoughts... Er. Yeh. I had trouble with the expressive techniques bit. Don't know a whole lot about trumpets really. So that kind of screwed me up a bit. I thought it was a more difficult paper compared to previous years.
  18. kezz_xxxx

    Music 1 Exam Thoughts...

    Re: Thoughts... Question 1 was insanely annoying. The damn song has been stuck in my head ever since :| I didn't like Question 2 much..........the one with the full orchestra and the question about texture. I felt that there was too much to right and the excerpt was too long to concentrate on...
  19. kezz_xxxx

    Physical Journeys [poll]

    Overall I thought it was ok. I managed to work my prepared answer around and basically said that through the impact on our inner being our interpretation of the new allows us to expand our knowledge about ourselves, individuals and the world around us......or something like that :s I think I...
  20. kezz_xxxx

    Section 3

    Overall I didn't think this question was too bad. I think I managed to relate it ok to physical journeys. I said that our interpretation of the new and the way/extent it impacts on our inner being develops our undertanding of ourselves, individuals etc etc. I don't think I argued it very well...