Anyone wanna give me a run down for this, for consumers and world order and crime?
I was thinking that the morals and values for consumers are that of:
Businesses becoming unscrupulous, so they need to be governed (caveat emptor etc.)
Is this along the right lines?
And what about for...
Dudley and Stevens were jailed, necessity isn't a defence to murder.
Necessity = Committing crime to prevent a worse outcome
Duress = Committing a crime under pressure/influence
Anyone remember the case between the 4 brothers who gang raped the two girls...
The cases were split up into 2, with 2 of them representing themselves, I'm looking for that one?
I know the first and last initials...M and K, so I'm nearly there.
I split them...because I think self-defence can be used as a defence for murder. Whereas necissity (sp?) can't be used as a defence for murder [R vs. Dudley and Stevens (no date)]- wahhh I helped u for a change :):)
Does it work for deminished responsibility then?
Isn't there a loop hole then, where you can be under the influence of drugs, and still use deminished responsibility...or...
For this question, both answers B and D, were given as correct
That's why people have seen different sets of answers with both B and D thinks.
Is self-induced intoxication still a partial defence for reducing murder to manslaughter?
I thought it was, as it can lead to no mens rea...but townie's notes says no?