more to the point BOS prolly didnt want the teachers to work on a public holiday for the simple fact the teachers would have had to be paid more, its a sad fact this world revovles around money
Hi i was wondering if anyones thinking of doing engineering next year at sydney or UNSW, if so post here.
Im planing on doing mechical or manufactoring Engineering then working in the car industry
I must say i hate english, mainly cause my teacher ditched my class straight after the trials to take up a postion teaching at some college in england so that kinda sucked and we go a new teacher for the last 4/5 weeks so that wasnt too good :-(
im pretty happy with my time table i got
week 1
Monday: English
Wednesday: English
Week 2
Monday: 2 Unit maths
Thursday: Biology and Ag (how this works i dont understand)
Week 3
Wednesday: Physics
Friday: Chemisty
i find excell used in conjuction with another text is the best because if u read though both of them their not both wrong in the same areas, well god i hope other wise im screwed
Damn Text Writers :sniper:
yeah one of freinds rang up for english bout king lear and person she talked to had no idea bout it but ah, maybe she was asking the wrong questions :-P
well i do all science pretty much 8 units of it if u include ag, i do physics, ag, bio and chem so its all good theirs a fair amount of interlap so it makes learning easier
well my mates and i pulled off a semi-prank today by putting up ties off day signs all over the middle school, and all little middle schooliers belived it