actuarial studies

  1. D

    Could I enter this course with my ATAR?

    Hey, I got an ATAR of 92.35, and am planning to do a Bachelor of Actuarial Studies / Bachelor of Commerce at UNSW (which has an LSR of 98.00) Through EAS, I have 4 circumstances at the moment (Low SES area, Refugee background, Death of a family member, Financial Disadvantage) and need around...
  2. V

    UNSW Actuarial Studies/Comp Sci Vs MQ Actuarial Studies/Information Technology and other UNSW CO-OP courses

    Hi guys, Basically im in year 12 right now and just wanted to ask about the difference between UNSW Actuarial Studies/Comp Sci Vs MQ Actuarial Studies/Information Technology. I currently attend a selective school and do 2u/3u maths, phys chem economics and eng adv. I just wanted to ask in...
  3. D

    Double Degrees

    Hi, I have a question regarding double degrees at Macquarie and UNSW. How do the double degrees work? For example, if I choose to pursue a Bachelor of Applied Finance and Bachelor of Actuarial Studies at Macquarie Uni, do I complete a certain number of courses from each program, or do I...
  4. Q

    Actuarial Studies - Single or Double Degree

    Hi, I am planning to study actuarial studies this year and was planning to do it as a single degree, however was wondering if it would be more beneficial to study as a double degree. I realise doing a double gives more qualification as you have another degree alongside it, however evidentially...