ancient history

  1. R

    Need a tutor for Modern/Ancient/Maths Std/Eng Adv/Eng Std?

    Hi all, 👋 I am a graduate from a selective high school with experience tutoring students in Year 8, but I would love to branch out to include Year 11-12 as well. My rate is $40/hour. I tutor online. ➕ I have tutored Maths before, and got a 95 result in my Maths Standard HSC. Maths was my...
  2. S


    Achieve Your Best HSC Results with Top-Tier Notes and Resources! 🎓 Sydney Grammar School Graduate (Class of 2024) Our record-breaking cohort achieved 52 state ranks and the highest number of maximum ATARs in history 99.95 (14), thanks to a culture of active collaboration and resource sharing...
  3. radagastthebrown

    Ancient History Section IV - Historical Periods

    I've noticed that every single HSC question for The Greek World in the Historical Periods topic that they always seem to ask one question from the Persian Wars, and one question from the Development of Athens and the Athenian Empire. All the CSSA trials (and others) have also followed this...
  4. Cute-Duckie

    Modern/Ancient History HSC Tips

    Hey everyone! So I initially wrote this information as a reply to a few questions on the Class of 2025 thread, but after spending over an hour on writing my response, and another half an hour editing my response so it made sense (for some insane reason - I think I just hyperfocused lol), I...
  5. S

    Teacher-run HSC Study Day Invitation - Wed 9th Oct, NW Sydney, $10/student.

    Hi all, Our Church in Riverstone (NW Sydney) has put together a team of 8 experienced teachers (from 7 different local schools) who are keen to help year 12 students study on Wednesday 9th October. You can ask questions, get help with past papers, get feedback on your own work, and spend time...
  6. HandsomeDank

    Need advice

    I do 6 subjects atm, going into yr 12 I will most likely be getting a new teacher who has never taught ancient before. The teacher taught the other class originally, however, the only comments I've had about the class were negative. Ancient isn't something I'm passionate about and is a subject I...
  7. S

    What is History Extension like?

    Hi! I’m a year 11 student about to sit prelims in 2 weeks. I’m still deciding if history extension is worth it to pick up? I do both modern and ancient and planning to keep both - is 5 units of history going to be a lot of work or will it ‘flow’ together in a way? Even though history ext is 1...
  8. A

    HSC Tutoring Starting at 35 p/h

    Hi Everyone! We are a small tutoring company based in Sydney and we have begun operating. If anyone is interested in tutoring for any of the following subjects, contact us now at - English Advanced - Mathematics Standard - Legal Studies - Geography - Ancient...
  9. P

    HSC Advanced English, Ancient, Modern and History Extension Tutor. ATAR: 97.05. Top 10 in NSW for History Extension Major Work.

    Hello! I'm an experienced tutor with over 6 years of experience mentoring Year 11 and HSC students. I have a first class honours degree in Economics and Politics from the University of Sydney, and have an innate passion for teaching students the writing and organisational skills I employed for...
  10. T

    Bachelors of …?

    Hi guys, This is probably me just stressing out about random and irrelevant stuff but am I the only one really lost about what I want to do after high school. I 100% know that I want to go to uni but I don’t know what for. Me picking subjects for the hsc based solely on what I like probably...
  11. D

    What study tips do you have for Ancient/Modern History, Advanced English/Maths?

    Hello! I've been mainly been hitting the high band 5~ish mark, but not quite getting into band 6 for Ancient and Modern History as well as Advanced English, so if you have any particular advice about what really gets you into those top bands, please do leave a comment <3 Also, any names of...
  12. 2

    i can't find any sources

    I have a presentation due in like 20 mins, I've covered most of the presentation, I just can't find primary/secondary sources for Helots, Homoioi and Women (Sparta) pleasehelpiamprogressivelylosingsanity
  13. Z

    which two should i do, biology, hospitality, ancient history, cafs

    hi, i have until Friday to change subjects, so any help would be appreciated currently doing: Spanish beginners society and culture textiles and design TAFE fashion design English standard also bio and ancient history, but i don't know if i should change to hospitality and CAFS instead...
  14. L

    Advice for Year 11

    Hi! I’m about to start Year 11 and was wondering if anyone had any tips/tricks for me to make it through the next couple of years. General info- I’m aiming for an atar of 99.5+ (pretty ambitious ik) and I’m taking the following subjects this year: 3u Maths 3u English Chemistry Ancient History...
  15. A

    The Greek World HSC help

    If the question is on the preparations they did, what would the paragraphs be besides Greeks' and Perisans preparations?
  16. 805yeni

    what was the role of kublai khan and what were his achievements and legacy during the medieval era.

    I need to do a research speech and need secondary and primary sources as well as a bibliography
  17. C

    Dropping Subjects

    I currently have 13 units and I don't think my school allows 13 units + I don't know if I can even handle it. I was thinking of dropping either history extension (which I just picked up), SOR, or Maths Extension 1. I don't know if I can handle history extension in all honesty it seems extremely...
  18. justbellaforshort

    Can you do Ancient, Modern and Extension in Year 12?

    I'm looking at swapping Extension English out for Extension History, however I keep seeing "need a co-requisite of Ancient or Modern". So, would I need to discontinue my studies in one of those? Am already doing Ancient and Modern, but would I have to drop one to do Extension next year? Thanks...
  19. C

    Ancient History or Physics? DROPPING SUBJECTS!! help!!

    Currently i’m doing physics but for the longest time (during the holidays) I wanted to just do chemistry and drop physics for another subject. However, so many people seem to do two sciences and seem to love physics. So I don’t know whether it was because my tutor taught me badly, so should i...
  20. sweena


    Hey, I need some help with my subjects and I'm stressing out about it at the moment. I'm currently doing: - Math & English Standard (happy with this) - Distance Education Legal Studies - Visual Arts - Ancient History - Society and Culture - History Extention (I think I am going to drop, too...