Say I was doing paintings for my major work, and intending to submit it in the “painting” category. what if i were to use coloured pencil on top, only for highlighting things or outlining something, so little that you couldn’t even tell it was there. would i then have to classify it as a...
Unfortunately I am an avid procrastinator, so even though I knowwwww I should’ve started in the summer holidays… I well.. didn’t. I’m just wondering, have I made this impossible for myself? I’m doing some moderately large scale acrylic paintings for context. My teacher has made it quite clear...
This is a pretty dumb request, but I have an Historical Investigation assessment coming up in Modern History and need some help with wording my topic question. My topic question is "To what extent can Art of the Third Reich shed light on Nazi policy?" but I'm not really satisfied with it. Does...