I have just started year 12, and most people at my school are dropping a subject to do 10 units instead of 12. I am yet to drop a subject and can't decide whether I should drop biology or not.
I don't really like biology as much anymore plus my friends in the class have dropped it. I think the...
my bio prelim is in a few days and i've been trying to write notes for modules but i feel like i'm just writing them for the sake of it. i'm not actually absorbing information. os there any other effective ways on studying for bio to really understand whats going on? i've tried doing past papers...
I am really stuggling to decide whether to do science extension or not, So I wanted to know which one would have less workload 13 Units with Bio, or 12 Units with Science Extension. My other subjects are EALD English, 3U maths, physics , chem , I really don't wanna drop these subjects because I...
Which textbooks should I go over and Workbooks should I use to prepare for the hsc? In year 11, I mainly just used the Biozone Workbook + Class notes to study but are there other good resources/notes with hsc-style questions and solutions. Also, does anyone know any really good biology tution...
Hi all,
Got an upcoming skills test for biology and I was wondering how I should be preparing for it. What are some tips and tricks that you use? I'm doing my skills test on module 6 and 7 so random questions or sources could always help me.
Hey guys SO I got stuck with the shittest bio teacher midway of year 12 and she skipped whole chunks of module 5 and 6 (no cap it was literally everything) and because we had an open book exam for trials im really struggling on how to learn all of my modules (7 and 8 being a recap but 5 and 6...