
  1. nirvanalvr

    Dropping a class

    Hey guys, I'm writing this for advice on whether I should drop a class. I'm in Year 12 and have 12 units. Recently, I got accused of using Artificial intelligence (AI) in my society and culture assignment, which I never used!) I had a meeting, and they decided they would not give an N warning...
  2. nobodyhome

    should i drop english extension 2??

    for context, i have 11 units (technically 9 because I finished 2u math). but with term 4 out of the way, i’m considering dropping this subject before i stretch myself out thin lmao. trying to keep it short and simple: reasons why i even took up ee2 in the first place: My english teacher said i...
  3. G

    URGENT PLS HELP should i drop to standard english?

    hi! I am currently in year 11 (I just started year 12 content), and I'm doing English advanced. I haven't had the best year, so my marks for everything have been pretty bad. for English prelim, I got 60% 🙄 I haven't gotten my average or rank yet, but I think my past assessments have been around...
  4. nobodyhome

    should i drop chemistry or legal studies?

    hey guys, i need a bit of guidance with subject dropping. for context, i take 3u math (math adv is accelerated), 3u english, visual arts, chemistry, legal studies, and in year 12 i plan to pick up eng ext 2. altogether that would be 13 units, with me doing 11 of them in year 12. however i’m...
  5. D

    Should I drop business or Industrial Tech Multimedia? Are my subjects good scaling?

    Hey guys I'm in Year 11 and im really torn between which subject to drop between Business and Industrial Tech Multimedia. I am aiming to get into UNSW Comp Sci and I'm just worried that my subjects are kinda low scaling. My subjects are: - Maths Advanced - doing really well in Maths - Eng...
  6. M

    Not Sure Whether To Drop PE And Pickup A VET Course for a 90+ ATAR pathway

    Hey Everybody, I'm a year 11 student that is currently undertaking Maths Advanced, English Standard, Investigating Science, Business Studies and PDHPE. I am doing quite well in Math and my goal is to get a 90+ ATAR. I'll be honest I dislike PDHPE as a subject and I want to drop it. Since I will...
  7. D

    What subject do I drop?

    I am not sure as to what subject I should drop, I am doing 3u maths, adv english, chem, physics, PDH and Eco, and i am probably going to be picking up 4u maths, so I want to cut down to 12 units. I feel like 10 units is going to be too risky because of 4u, so I have made up my mind to either...
  8. F

    help! I don't know what HSC subject to drop...

    Hi, I've started Year 12 content (technically still in year 11) and I can't decide whether I want to drop a subject and if so, which one. I am currently doing 12 units and THREE MAJOR WORKS (Drama, Society and Culture, Visual Arts) which is a lot but also I enjoy them more and much better at...
  9. H

    To drop or not to drop?

    I am currently contemplating dropping ext 1 english, as I have not performed well for the HSC exams of the course thus far. Our class only has 9-10 people, but I think i may be ranked last at the moment. The decision is really hard to make and everyone I ask for advice tells me that the pros and...
  10. O

    Should I drop Business or Entertianment VET??? pls help me

    i dislike them the same amount and both teachers are equally bad, buttttt i did surprisingly well in my business exam and assessments and am best in the class so should i stay since im naturally good at it? im bad at essays and more of a science/maths person, but ent has SO much content and it...
  11. O

    Should I drop Maths Advanced of CAFS?

    My school had really bad subject lines, so I am definite on dropping a subject when the Year 12 course begins. I don't know whether I should drop Maths Advanced or CAFS. I am doing: English Advanced, English Extension, Maths Advanced. Korean Continuers, Visual Art, CAFS, and Business Studies...