
  1. D

    WAM needed to Transfer to B. Commerce?

    I got an ATAR of 92.35 and currently am doing software eng. I want to combine Software eng + commerce in a double degree. Is there a good range of WAM needed to transfer? I know if I did less than 48 CP, They will use my ATAR but my ATAR is around 2.65 points short, which can admit me depending...
  2. A

    Transferring from UTS Software engineering to USYD software engineering

    I currently just finished my first year of engineering (software) at UTS and put in an UAC application to try to transfer into UNSW engineering. I also just put USYD as a gag, since I thought I wouldn't possibly be able to get in. In a funny turn of events, I did not receive a UNSW offer but...
  3. D

    Do Spots in USYD Engineering fill up quickly?

    Hey, I got an ATAR of 93.45 (which is high enough for engineering and commerce, since I'm Eligible for MySydney), however, I did math standard 2 and not Math Advanced, So Im currently taking the MOOC Classes to bypass the Math Advanced Prerequisite for engineering. However, my MOOC exam for the...
  4. SB257426

    A question for engineering students at Uni

    Hey there, I am planning on doing engineering at UNSW starting in 2024 and my question is: Should I go for MacOS or Windows operating system in UNI? I am just a bit unsure which will be more suitable for engineering as I am aware engineering does require programming knowledge and there will be...
  5. SB257426

    Quick Question about Uni

    This might sound like a bit of a silly question but do they ever check homework lol. For example, if im doing a math course and they prescribe a textbook to me, would they ever check if I have done all the exercises? Or do you just self study for the course in uni?
  6. rainpuppy11

    UNSW Comp Sci vs. UNSW Comp Sci + Engineering (Honours)

    Hello! I'm currently debating what to do for next year entering university. I am definitely set on going to UNSW (I am currently shortlisted for UNSW Co-op in Comp Sci, and also am eligible for the AAA scholarship, and I also like the campus and teaching style). I'm just wondering if it is...
  7. T

    UTS BIT CO-OP or UNSW CS/Engineering or UNSW CS/SCI

    I'd like some help picking between these three courses. I want to get into medicine next year as a non-standard entry student, but that also means I'll have to pick a degree that I will be completely fine sticking to if med doesn't work out. That being said, I'll still have to maintain a high...
  8. N

    Do I need Yr 12 Math Ext 1 to get into biomedical Engineering degree?

    Im interested in doing biomedical engineering in university. However i want to do science extension in Year 12 (I know it doesn't scale the best but i'm passionate) and drop Math Ext 1. So far Math Ext 1 in Yr 11 has been pretty easy as I did Math Adv by an accelerated course. I also do the 3...
  9. H

    Preliminary Engineering Studies Past Papers

    Can u all provide engineering studies past papers for me please
  10. tamdz

    Is a higher ATAR less competitive than portfolio?

    hi guys i was going through unsw's admission for future students and saw this: this was for enrolements in 2023 UNSW software engineering. less than 5% of students got in through just ATAR and/or + adjustment factors. does that mean that, i am less competitive to get into unsw engineering if i...
  11. T

    Early Entry in Year 11

    Hello, I have just received my first report for the first semester of year 11. I was wondering if it is possible to use that report for early entry into the UTS EDGE program or if I can even apply for this early entry scheme in year 11.
  12. C

    What are some things I could test for with this motor for a physics depth study?

    Hey all, For an experimental report / depth study (with the theme of 'Analyse electric and magnetic interactions due to charged particles, currents, and/or fields.'), I would like to make an experiment that involves the motor with a gear box as seen in the attatcehd image (Single Motor 4 Speed...
  13. C

    USYD Dalyell Scholars VS UNSW Engineering (Software)

    I am a current year 12 student about to enter university and I'm deciding between USYD's Bachelor of Engineering (Software) (Dalyell Scholars) and UNSW's Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Software). The main concern that I have between the two is that I've heard from many people that in order...
  14. P

    [Proficiency Education] Hiring tutors for all subjects!

    At Proficiency Education we are looking for keen individuals with a dedication to teaching and learning to join our amazing team. If you want to become a part of a wonderful and dynamic community where you can challenge yourself to grow then, ProEd is the place for you. We are open to tutors for...
  15. D

    I recently got my year 11 subjects and would like to get some advice

    So for year 11, I got the subjects English advanced, Maths extension, Chemistry, Physics, and economics. I really wanted to do engineering, and I have the option to still pick it, but it is only available in line 5, where I have Economics, which I wanted to do as well, but engineering was my...
  16. jimmysmith560

    Western Sydney University and University of New South Wales Collaborative Program

    This thread is for students who are thinking of studying Engineering beyond the HSC. Western Sydney University (WSU) and the University of New South Wales (UNSW) have worked together to develop an advanced engineering degree called: Bachelor of Engineering Advanced (Honours) WSU-UNSW...
  17. Pablo_35

    Should I Drop It?

    Hello members of BOS ! Currently doing Mathematics Extension 1, knowing that it will never make it into my 10 best units, should i drop it? Some factors i am considering right now: I wish to get into an engineering course when i graduate, and in most universities it is recommended that i do...
  18. D

    Need to find textbook I believe is titled "Introduction to engineering Mechanics"

    (Forgive the messy working someone has done on this). This is an excerpt from an engineering textbook that I would like to get my hands on. This is pages 188 and 189. Sorry it is very vague :( , the only other information I can offer is that the textbook is somewhat old and has a distinct orange...
  19. K

    USYD vs UNSW vs UTS Engineering - which uni is the best?

    Hello! I'm a 2019 graduate and I've gotten offers from USYD, UNSW and UTS for a B Engineering(honours)/B Business (eng/med sci at usyd tho). I am planning to major in Electrical Engineering. I have to finalise my decision soon bc classes start in February and I have no clue which uni to attend...
  20. H

    civil engineering or civil w architecture

    What is the difference between the two courses? Also, what is the maths difficulty for engineering like compared to high school? (i did math ext 1) Is it difficult to find a job as a civil engineer/ what is the demand for civil engineers?