
  1. watermelonenjoyer

    Am I screwed???

    Term 1 (2) is about to kick off, and my 3 person drama class has recently become a one-man show due to some unforeseen circumstances. We did our first HSC assessment as a group but now it's just me. Am I completely screwed?? Does anyone have any tips/advice? What should I do? Please send your...
  2. Q

    Did anyone else **genuinely** fuck up their english trials (missed questions, incomplete responses)?

    Paper 1 probably not terrible. comprehension solid but essay was shit, can get a b if i'm lucky. Paper 2 - Mod A probably bad I didn't address the stimulus, would be satisfied with a low B. Mod B potentially good, I loved the question and got carried away with it. Mod C my mind blanked and I...
  3. goodcat911

    HSC Sample Answers

    How far off are the sample answers on the nesa website? If a student responded to a question exactly, or similar to how the sample answer suggests, would they risk losing marks for that question? I heard they provided a low-band 6 response, or a minimum for full marks for any given question but...