
  1. ronny thamer

    This may be a weird question, but what do you guys do in class?

    This may seem like an obvious answer, but idk if i am using my class time efficiently. So, for 2u (advanced) i am either catching up on hwk from ext 1 or 2, or listening to content (should i do the advanced hwk??). Then, for 3u and 4u, i just do the hwk for the classes and ask questions abt the...
  2. A

    HSC Internal Assessments

    Hey, so I just finished my internal assessments, and I feel like I did pretty bad, maybe averaging 60-70% for most subjects besides Biology, which was 30% weighed maybe 50% or a fail. Can i still achieve the academic comeback? I want an 80 atar or just under.
  3. H


    if you know ANYONE who needs help with humanities throughout HSC, please reply to this email :) coming from a girl at a top 10 NSW-ranked school with older brothers who have state-ranked in multiple subjects (who graduated from Knox Grammar and Sydney Grammar), I can give you the best resources...
  4. H

    HSC NOTES (state rank essays/notes for economics, business, english adv, ancient & modern history)

    reply to this thread if you want an easier HSC life! I, a Class of 2024 Student at a top 10 NSW school, can provide you with state-rank notes and essays for economics, legal business studies, English advanced and history to make sure you have the easiest pathway to success! I genuinely wish I...
  5. Nami__800

    Subject selection

    In my school , for subject selection you do an exam and based on your performance in that exam you get subject offers. Not to my surprise, I got the worst possible offers and most probably will end up doing Bio, Legal, Business, Adv/ext eng and Standard math. Initially I wanted to study...
  6. A

    sick before a hsc exam

    i'm currently quite unwell and i have my hsc math exam tmr. i'm still definitely gonna sit the exam no matter my condition, but should i tell the school prior to the exam about my sickness bc i feel like i will be coughing and sniffling throughout the entire exam and that would be really...
  7. A

    should i do 4u math if im better at 3u than 2u

    im currently doing accelerated 2u and 3u math so im sitting the hsc this monday ik its strange but i'm performing better in 3u than 2u in terms of my mark and rank. i also enjoy 3u WAY MORE than 2u (i hate studying for 2u but i actually find 3u rly interesting) so i'm wondering if maybe that's...
  8. A

    how significant is your school ranking on your final subject score.

    im currently ranked 18/60 for advanced with an average mark of 84% and 16/39 for ext 1 with a mark of 79% i go to a 90th ish ranked school and i'm wondering if i do fairly well in the hsc for both ext and adv, will i still have a chance at a band 6? or will i have to get like a 95+ raw in both...
  9. A

    how to study for bio?

    my bio prelim is in a few days and i've been trying to write notes for modules but i feel like i'm just writing them for the sake of it. i'm not actually absorbing information. os there any other effective ways on studying for bio to really understand whats going on? i've tried doing past papers...
  10. A

    failing a prelim exam

    im planning to go into my modern prelim exam without studying and just winging everything because im dropping the subject next year. is this a bad idea? and will it badly affect my early entry offers. for context ive gotten an A and B on the other modern assessments from this year and i don't...
  11. A

    how to study for chem?

    i'm struggling on memorising content/rules and stuff for chem. is writing notes an efficient way to study or is there another way. i find that doing past papers right now is too much since i dont remember much of the content from term 1 and 2
  12. A

    anyone have any resources/tips on robert browning poems - porphyria's lover/last duchess etc

    i have to write about his poems in my prelims - any help will be appreciated thanks
  13. ronny thamer

    Should I pick History Extension?

    Hi, I am a Year 11 student currently doing modern history and i am indecisive as to pick up History Extension in Year 12. For some context, i absolutely love history and everything to do with history (including the philosophy) and this passion makes me wanna pick up History Extension. From...
  14. H

    Should I choose Modern History or CAFS for my year 11 and 12 subjects

    As the title said, I am in a bit of a dilemma as my history teacher believes that I should consider a history subject but I'm way too hesitant on it because I worry it is way too content loaded. I know CAFS scale low but it would not matter if I would be able to rank first or just do well in...
  15. goodcat911

    English Short Answer Section

    What's the best way to prepare for the unseen text short answer section (Paper 1)? Is there a checklist or smth that u can follow to get the marks, and how important is it that i memorise lots of literary/visual techniques? If the skills for doing well in that section come from entirely just...
  16. goodcat911

    Old Proofs to Know

    What are some good old proofs to know that have been or could be used in the hsc previously? I know about some of them like Basel's formula, Wilson's theorem, Squeeze theorem and crap but anyone got a list or smth of interesting ones to know (that are not too crazy)?
  17. goodcat911

    Helping a Cohort

    Is it worth helping your cohort (pooling resources, helping with questions etc. with everyone in the grade) in the hsc? I understand that a good cohort would make internals a lot less stressful (as a low internal rank would be less demotivating), but helping also would take time and energy...
  18. goodcat911

    HSC Sample Answers

    How far off are the sample answers on the nesa website? If a student responded to a question exactly, or similar to how the sample answer suggests, would they risk losing marks for that question? I heard they provided a low-band 6 response, or a minimum for full marks for any given question but...
  19. goodcat911

    pascal patel 4u textbook

    if anyone has a pdf copy of it, pls dm thx
  20. A

    uni degree/course help PLS!!!

    Hi, I've been thinking of doing a double degree in science and business, and looking at these options: Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Business (at UNSW or UTS) My current subjects I do are chemistry, business studies and economics. I was originally only planning to do something in...