Just curious... but do they find out what ATAR you got or do we just have to tell them what we got. I feel like my chem and english marks will disappoint me and i dont really wanna show them my ATAR as those marks may drag it down
This may sound a bit silly but how did they just know how to sub in these concentrations of Ag and CrO4. I am so confused. I tried subbing in another point.. didnt work
Got ext 2 tmrw... i have done papers but i still feel so underprepared and i feel like i wont be able to answer a single question at all.....
how about u people?
Like I understand both curves intersect at x as they are the inverse and its way too hard to find the inverse but using x instead of the inverse wont give u the correct shaded area
I got part a )
For b) I managed to prove k^k < 1/4(k+1)^k+1 but i am struggling to prove the middle bit for some reason which shouldnt be that hard but idk why im struggling lol
Im talking about this formula:
I was doing a hunters hill high extension 2 trial and they asked to find the min value of |z|. Would I need to derive this formula or can i just use it in an exam?
Hi, would really appreciate an estimate pls
internal ranks
chemistry: 19/31
standard eng: 15/104
economics: 7/14
business: 22/43
adv Maths: 48/52
number of people that got a band 6 last year:
chem: 1
standard eng: 5
business: 3
economics: 2
adv maths: 22
(ik maths is horrible we don't talk...
Hi everyone! I'm having a dilemma there are no resources about Rabi'a Al-Adawiyya and Edrolo only gives you so much D: if anyone has any tips or notes pls publish them for everyone that does Rabi'a you would be helping so much! God bless everyone and good luck with HSC <333