
  1. d.goomeister

    integration roadmap

    hey guy im lwk kinda cooked for integration can any1 suggest a roadmap as to which i can follow to learn integration 3u+ onwards ive covered all of 2u integration =). thanks.
  2. J

    Extension 2 Practice paper needed (integration & 3d Vectors)

    We are doing all of 4 unit integration for the exam but only up to dot product and that level for 3d vectors. Could someone please send some up to date papers as thsc is all old syllabus. Thanks!
  3. A

    I dont understand the working out in the first line

    Like I understand both curves intersect at x as they are the inverse and its way too hard to find the inverse but using x instead of the inverse wont give u the correct shaded area
  4. SB257426

    Challenge integral

    does anyone know how to do this ? I tried doing it and i got it wrong
  5. SB257426

    How do I do this?

    I got part a ) For b) I managed to prove k^k < 1/4(k+1)^k+1 but i am struggling to prove the middle bit for some reason which shouldnt be that hard but idk why im struggling lol
  6. SB257426

    Integration Question

    I came across an integral that my teacher gave me to do. I have an answer but am unsure if my answer is correct. Other softwares (wolfram alpha and symbolab) are giving me different answers, but I suspect they are algebraically equivalent since they probably have different constants of...
  7. SB257426

    The Cover Up Rule Proof

    I am up to the last question in the exercise and I am a bit stuck on this question: Can anyone please help me out on this ?
  8. SB257426

    Integration Question

    I am pretty confused with my solution to this integration proof question. I feel like it isn't the right way to prove it. d/dx (uv) = u(dv/dx)+v(du/dx) take the integral with respect to x of both sides: uv = ∫ u(dv/dx ) dx + ∫ v(du/dx) dx therefore, ∫ u(dv/dx ) dx = uv - ∫ v(du/dx)...
  9. D

    Integration Material

    Hi, I am doing 4u maths, so advanced maths it not going to be assessed for me. However, I am new to integration so I started doing 2u integration from the Cambridge Maths book, however the questions are very similar and not that challenging. So if anyone has any harder worksheets for 2u...
  10. M

    Types of Integration By Parts Questions

    What are all the types of integration by parts questions? I know normal IBP, and the other type where you have to integrate 2 times, and a 3rd type where you have to integrate 2 times and then move a repeated integral from RHS to LHS and then divide by 2. Are there any more trick question...
  11. H

    Reduction Formula Question

    I am struggling to do this question. I tried solving it and yeah thats pretty much it. I tried :(. Also generally, I can do integration by parts questions very well but whenever it comes to reduction formula or proof by Induction questions where there is a recursive formula involved, I only get...