what are some of the best places for hsc chem tutoring
i've heard project academy or matrix are good but idk
or do people recommend getting a private tutor?
and do people recommend going to a tutoring centre or a private tutor for 4u math?
im currently doing accelerated 2u and 3u math so im sitting the hsc this monday
ik its strange but i'm performing better in 3u than 2u in terms of my mark and rank.
i also enjoy 3u WAY MORE than 2u (i hate studying for 2u but i actually find 3u rly interesting)
so i'm wondering if maybe that's...
im currently ranked 18/60 for advanced with an average mark of 84%
and 16/39 for ext 1 with a mark of 79%
i go to a 90th ish ranked school and i'm wondering if i do fairly well in the hsc for both ext and adv, will i still have a chance at a band 6?
or will i have to get like a 95+ raw in both...
I was trying to comprehend the roots of a complex number. i understood demovier's theorem but I am unable to link it to the roots of complex numbers, The only part I do not understand conceptually is why is there a +2kpi?... can someone explain with reference to polar form only? (please don't...
I'm rethinking my choice of doing advanced math instead of standard for HSC. Currently, I'm at my class's average in 5.2 maths (which isn't really that good I won't lie) and I know that realistically I won't be able to achieve my atar goal if I continue on this path + will waste a lot of time I...
Hey so i'm doing advanced math rn and not doing anywhere near as well as I hoped. My first test was ok with 80% but I completely screwed up my second with 34%. I kind of feel like I should drop down to standard 2 but catching up on 4-5 topics will mean the workload is going to be huge, and the...