maths extension 1

  1. C

    Combinatorics question

    Each of the letters A, A, C, H, M, and S is written on a separate card. The cards are drawn at random from a hat and placed next to each other to form a word. What is the probability that the word ASCHAM appears? My approach was: Numerator is 2 as the 2 A's can take the first place and will be...
  2. L

    math extension 1 2024 hsc predictions?

    what topics do yall predict might appear in this hsc?
  3. W

    An AI that helps you solve HSC Maths problems

    Hi, I created an AI that’s trained on the HSC Maths syllabus. He (”Algebro”) can help you figure out problems easily by uploading a photo of it. Currently, he can help with Maths advanced, ext 1, and ext 2. If you’d like, you can try it out here: A bit about me: My name is Alisa...
  4. Y

    How to not fall behind in Physics and extension maths?

    What is the most important thing to do to not fall behind in physics and extension maths? all tips are highly appreciated Thanks
  5. M

    Does any1 have the solutions to QATS 2020 Maths ext 1 prelim?

    my teacher gave my class the paper but doesnt have the answers to it. I cant find it online so i thought to ask here. if any1 has it, can u pls send it to me. thank you :D
  6. S

    UNSW Medical Student | 99.75 ATAR | Online Maths, Chemistry, UCAT & Business Studies Tutoring

    |⭐ 98 in Advanced & Extension 1 Mathematics, 97 in Chemistry, 96 in Business Studies⭐| ✅ Online Maths, Chemistry, UCAT & Business Studies Tutoring with 2+ Years of experience ✅| 🛑 LIMITED SPOTS REMAINING FOR 2023 SO GET IN TOUCH QUICK 🛑 Hi, Saksham here! Here's a little summary about me: ✔ I...
  7. K

    I don’t know what subject to drop in year 12

    Hi i’ve begun my first (technically second) year of year 12 and i’ve still currently got 12 units i was tossing up between maths extension (and then do 11 units) or visual arts (then would do 8 units + english ext 1 and maths ext 1) and i’ve just got maths extension back for my first hsc...
  8. neqr1te

    Should I drop Maths Ext.1?

    So I got my marks back for the prelim yearlys and unfortunately I kinda flunked mx.1 (below 40% 😬).. I'm not sure what the average actually was but I do know that a lot of people I talked to got around the same or even lower than me. I can def say that I probably got a below average mark though...
  9. D

    Can't Find Past Papers From New Syllabus

    Hi, In preparation for the prelim exams, I am on the search for past papers, however, almost all of the papers I have found are from the old syllabus (pre-2018) and I am not sure where I can find new syllabus papers. So if anyone has past papers/knows a website I can view past papers for...
  10. F

    Changing tutors

    I was wondering if changing tutors in year 12 would be bad, in terms of stability and not being used to the style of tutoring. I am currently attending Dr Du in A3 class but I want to change to ProEd (Proficiency Education) because their sequences of topics do not align with my school's scope...
  11. L

    Advice for Year 11

    Hi! I’m about to start Year 11 and was wondering if anyone had any tips/tricks for me to make it through the next couple of years. General info- I’m aiming for an atar of 99.5+ (pretty ambitious ik) and I’m taking the following subjects this year: 3u Maths 3u English Chemistry Ancient History...
  12. chemojoe


    Say that I cite a geometric reason why the rev. volume/area under a curve is so rather than the expanding an integral. If I write the integral wrong eg instead of π∫[f(x)]^2dx I do π∫f(x)dx for a volume but my geometric reasoning is right (eg the shape is a hemisphere with radius 1, therefore...
  13. C

    Dropping Subjects

    I currently have 13 units and I don't think my school allows 13 units + I don't know if I can even handle it. I was thinking of dropping either history extension (which I just picked up), SOR, or Maths Extension 1. I don't know if I can handle history extension in all honesty it seems extremely...
  14. C

    Where can I find Cambridge worked solutions?

    Hi, does anyone know where I can find Cambridge worked solutions for maths extension 1 (both yr11 and 12)? Thanks!
  15. H

    99.75 | UNSW 4th Year Medical Student | English, Maths Advanced, Ext 1, Chemistry, UCAT and Medical/Dental Interview Online Tutoring

    Hello everyone, I am a Sydney Boys graduate of class 2020 with an ATAR of 99.75 and am a 4th year medical student at the University of New South Wales with a distinction average. With over 2500 hours of tutoring experience, teaching and guiding a range of students from all capabilities and...
  16. W

    Do I need 4 unit maths to get an ATAR above 99?

    Hello! So I'm currently in a state of dilemma because I'm contemplating whether I should take 4 unit maths (extension 2 mathematics) next term. So the subjects I'm currently undertaking are: English Advanced, Physics, Chemistry, Extension Maths and SOR. The thing is, my final advanced maths exam...
  17. timelesss

    Assumed knowledge of maths ext 1 / bridging courses for computer science in uni

    Hi everyone, I was wondering about the difficulty of university-level maths within the computer science course, and what your experiences were with bridging courses. I am hoping to study B law/B computer science at UNSW, as one of my main interests is the tech-related legal sphere. The UNSW...
  18. P

    Any copyright issues for uploading past Year 11 Prelim Maths Advaced + Extension 1 Papers for new syllabus?

    Hi all, As I've completed Maths Advanced/Extension 1 in Year 11 2019 with the brand new syllabus introduced for 2020 HSC students, I would like to upload some past papers that may be of use for current Year 11 2020 students who require past exam resources for the new syllabus. However, I am...