
  1. Kat.crazi

    What to Drop?

    Hey, I am thinking of dropping a subject as I am on 13 units and it is impacting my ability to perform in my individual subjects. I would drop SOR if I could, but my school requires it, so I'm thinking between Chem + Bio. Last term I ranked 1st in Chemistry with a mark of 29/30, but this term I...
  2. S

    Deciding between dropping Visual Arts or Korean Beginner Languages

    First post here :) It's been a few months but I still haven't decided whether I should drop Korean or Visual Arts, so I've decided to post here. I'm currently in a dilemma between which subject to drop, as seen above. The thing keeping me back is that I'm doing roughly the same in terms of...
  3. ronny thamer

    Can someone clear this up?

    Hello BOS users, Can someone tell me if I have to know any year 11 content for the 2025 HSC (or just HSC in general) for all of my subjects. I'm asking this because some people have been giving me conflicting answers. Subjects Maths Extension 1 Maths Advanced Chemistry Physics Modern History...
  4. katiekms

    How To Estimate ATAR With 2 Major Works?

    i assume just estimate the mark of your major work/50 + result of trial exam/50. isn’t that how it works for the actual hsc? i wasn’t sure if they’re both out of 100 or out of 50.
  5. I

    Is UAC ATAR Calculator Marks RAW Or Scaled?

    Hey guys, So when you enter your marks into the UAC atar calculator do you enter the raw marks that you think you will get in the exam or the marks you think you will get after scaling?
  6. E

    BIOLOGY V ECONOMICS (subject selection)

    Hi, I am in year 10 and going to pick out my subjects. My idea of what I want to do after school is probs medicine, so I need a high ATAR. Here are my subjects : - Ex1 Math / I am pretty good at math and maybe plan on doing x2 - Ex1 Eng / Not really that good at english, alright at it but...
  7. J

    Investigating Science vs. Bio

    So, I've chosen the three sciences for year 11 but 'm considering dropping biology since it needs a lot of memorisation and going for Investigating science instead to lighten my workload. What should I consider? What are your thoughts?
  8. M

    Matrix Atar Calculator Questions

    How accurate is the matrix education atar calculator? Also, do you put in your raw marks or your scaled mark estimates?
  9. M

    Should I Do E2

    Next term, after finishing advanced math, I will be starting math E1 and E2 simultaneously, I know some of the E1 content due to common content with physics (vectors) but I was wondering if this workload will be too much. My school decided to start E1 and E2 in term 4 so I have not done any...
  10. M

    Do You Need To Have A Certain Amount Of PRELIM Hours For A Course?

    My friends have been switching subjects late year 11 and I was wondering if the low hours in the courses will be an issue? I believe you don't need to do the prelim course to do the HSC course as NESA allows you to switch subjects until mid year 12?
  11. M

    Head Teacher Not Letting Me Drop Subject

    I am in year 11 wanting to drop a pretty content heavy subject which I am not good at for a more practical subject (Design And Tech). I have talked with the 2 Design And Tech teachers in the school that know me really well and they have said that I have the skills for the course and they would...
  12. G

    Subject Selections

    Hey everyone, I'm in the process of selecting my subjects for Year 11, as I will be completing the HSC in 2025. Right now I'm thinking: 1. Math Ext 1 2. Math Adv 3. English Adv 3. Chemistry 4. Biology 5. Physics or Legal 6. SOR1 (Compulsory) All the others are pretty much locked in, bio...
  13. T

    10 or 12 units - Year 12 2022

    hey everyone, just wondering are you guys doing 10 or 12 units. btw just incase you wanna help me with my crisis: I'm having a hard time deciding since everyone around me is either doing 10 or 11 units and I just recently dropped to 12 units and wasn't sure if I should just continue with the...
  14. J

    Taking Notes - Handwritten or Typed?

    Hi! So I am just entering my year 12 course, and I am really trying to step up my game this year. Year 11 I really didn't put in much work or remember any of my content or study at all, so I am trying to really push myself at the moment. I want to be better at taking notes and I can't decide...
  15. A

    pls help with subject selection

    I really want to go into either med or the scientific field (because I love science) but I'm a little worried. I want to do 3 science subjects but both chem and physics require a good level of math. I lack some foundational parts of mathematics (since I used to miss a lot of school due to...
  16. mary555

    90+ ATAR Likelihood

    hi, i'm in year 10 and subject selection is coming up, so I was wondering what the likelihood of receiving of a 90+ atar is with the subjects i'm thinking about taking: - advanced english - extension 1 english - studies of religion 1 (compulsory in my school) - advanced maths - modern history -...
  17. Z

    Open Discussion - HSC Subjects 2020

    This is my first ever post on this site and I honestly don't know if I put this in the right thread, however, I'm hoping I can find some people out there who do the same subjects as me so I can find out how they are dealing with the current workload I'm currently doing: Standard English...
  18. L

    Subject Advice - Modern History vs Biology

    I've just started Year 11 with: - Advanced English - Extension Maths - Chemistry - Economics - Business Studies - Biology I got into my first class of biology and straight away I didn't like it. The class has 30 odd people in it and the teacher put a slideshow on the board for us to copy...
  19. S

    am i too dumb for chemistry?

    hey, just wondering if chemistry is suitable for me since i always received bad marks for it in year 10 and didn't have an interest in it due to lack of studying (EDIT: never completing given homework etc..) and not ever concentrating during class lessons. i recently became curious in...
  20. H


    I just started year 12 this week and have been facing an apparently 'detrimental' issue since I'm doing all 6 subjects and have no free periods which my school doesn't really accept. Since I go to a selective/private school, they are able to determine what subjects we do and if we are to be...