Hi! So I run a small YouTube channel QingClear and I'm going to do a video interviewing some university students and experienced teachers on the university experience. As 2021 and 2020 has been a year of uncertainty, I would love for you guys to comment any questions here about entering...
Hi! I've recently graduated and decided to start a YouTube channel named QingClear to share some of the study tips and general knowledge I have gathered over the past 5 or so years. Please check it out and if any of it helps you please subscribe! ;)
Latest STUDY TIPS VIDEO --> (part 2 coming...
Hi, the complete year 11 Standard Maths Course is now on YouTube. The link to the playlist is below. If you read the description on each video you will also find links to theory booklets. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2uwLfP-xViVQhkvV0gMpzs5XySep9_xW
Just letting everyone know that the complete year 11 standard maths course is now available on Youtube. If you read the descriptions below each video you will find links to theory booklets as well. Check out the playlist which has the whole course in order and all the links to the theory...