my bio trial is worth 40% of my assessment mark and i am kinda worried because i feel like i dont know enough!!! should i just basically make sure i know all the syllabus points??!!
yeah the syllabus points are just about all you need, but make sure if you are unsure of something that you look into it a bit more
for a lot of the stuff you only need a general idea and then you can bs your way through the rest, but some other stuff ie blueprint, you need actual facts that you know.
true bio is cool... more general knowledge i would say... i just did my trial biology and it doesn't really ask very specific questions like give an example of blablabla~~ hope yours is as easy as mine!
im doing the catholic trial as well, my teacher said that it was challanging, so i am hoping it is not too painful!
im sure it will be ok....its only an exam