What a load.
The HSC is usually only about getting into uni and this is where kids start calculus. Most the kids that actually learn any form of maths don't even learn calculus anyway. What's the point in teaching something that isn't going to be tested, when it's only purpose is to get marks? i.e: Topology and what not. Sure: "It's fun!" but there's no real point to it.
Most of the things that person highlighted for teaching methods should already be standard practice. My Maths teacher does it already and has been for the last 16-18 years.
And what the hell is this crap about "a ninth grader won't have motivation if they get told you're learning this so you can use it in 2 years"? If they don't have the motivation to learn skills that actually lead onto another subject that will help them get somewhere in life, then how will they do with their histories, english and any other topic that doesn't? And with the part where she says "Too bad you don't know calculus!" why the hell didn't she teach them that then? It would've helped with their work. She was preaching something similar earlier that should be done but then doesn't do it.
Good tips for Maths teachers that aren't too good at their jobs, but other than that I found it pretty terrible.