Does anyone know what the legal status is in NSW? I'm not talking about whether abortion is morally right or wrong...Im talking only about the law. Some people talk about trimesters and all this - how abortion is allowed in certain trimesters - but this is NOT referred to AT ALL in the Crimes Act? Infact the Crimes Act doesn't say when abortion would be legal, so I'm assuming we'd turn to the criminal law defence of necessity. And thats what a lot of cases seem to refer to as well (e.g. R v Davidson etc.) However, I don't see where trimesters would come into it? My understanding is that consideration about trimesters etc. are merely part of guidlines that doctors have made of their own accord - there isn't anything in the Crimes Act which says "Abortion is illegal after the 2nd trimester."
So yeah, can any law students clarify this?
Does anyone know what the legal status is in NSW? I'm not talking about whether abortion is morally right or wrong...Im talking only about the law. Some people talk about trimesters and all this - how abortion is allowed in certain trimesters - but this is NOT referred to AT ALL in the Crimes Act? Infact the Crimes Act doesn't say when abortion would be legal, so I'm assuming we'd turn to the criminal law defence of necessity. And thats what a lot of cases seem to refer to as well (e.g. R v Davidson etc.) However, I don't see where trimesters would come into it? My understanding is that consideration about trimesters etc. are merely part of guidlines that doctors have made of their own accord - there isn't anything in the Crimes Act which says "Abortion is illegal after the 2nd trimester."
So yeah, can any law students clarify this?