Im sorry , but i think ur wrong lol.
I can't explain it right now , ill tell u when i can but i don't think its the force of gravity making it move is it? (W=mg)- This force acts on all objects.(clear up kini mini lol)
But answering ur problem , basically the aim of ur class experiment was probably something like : Confirm General relativity.(ie No mechanical experiment can detect motion in an non accelerated environment, that is an inertial frame of reference)
U had to move a trolley cart with a pendulum bob tied to it?
U notice that when ur moving with uniform speed, the pendulum bob doesnt move ( which means u cant distinguish between being at rest or moving with uniform speed)
The pendulum bob(the accelerometer) is equipment used for the mechanical experiment to attempt at detecting motion in a inertial frame of reference. It failed(couldnt distinguish between being at rest or uniform speed). Hence u have confirmed the principle of general relativity.
Example1: U are in the back of a delivery truck(moving with uniform speed) with no windows and the doors are locked.
If u couldnt hear the sound of the engine u couldnt tell the difference between being at rest or with uniform speed(ur body can only detect accelerations)
kini mini:Optical experiment isnt a mechanical experiment lol. So aether model doesnt even apparently violate the principle of general relativity lol.(Its an experiment to do with light.)
Also does the accelerometer experiment really confirm it? Does this account for all mechanical experiment?
CHUDYMASTER: Why do u bother trying to make it sound complicated? u might confuse urself, lol. It wont make ur answers really better. U just need the key words like (accelerometer, Uniform speed etc..) to get the marks.