I dunno about my group yet cos we havent practically met to discuss the assignment so no comment about that for now. Why did u suspect urs that bad??
btw accg224 is not as easy as i thought it would be. .i mean i hate accg323 (although i got pretty high mark) and its like all repeat of accg323 to the first half sem of 224 and the unit wasnt structured really good as well. i dunno how they've got 3 lecturers with 3 different lecture times every week.. i mean i prefer a lot more when they have like lecturer A doing like lect 1-4, lect B 5-8, lect C 9-13. my lecturer was so bad and i cant go to the other 2 lecturers which im sure a lot better cos the class time clashes with my other classes (i decided not to go to lect today and listen to ilect instead)..