hey ok ill try explain it lol it is preety difficult but heere goes lol
ok a THRESHOLD is an AMOUNT - so its a specific quantity- of positive charge that is needed before an action potential can be produced!
so the amount of threshold is important for producing an action potential
now this threshold(amount) has to be at least 15mL more positive than the resting potential of -70mL.. so for an action potential to occur.. the potential in a membrane needs to be at least -55mL or higher.
ok now ur probably thinking wats a resting potential .. so a resting potential is a NERVE where the concentration of sodium ions OUTSIDE this nerve is Higher than the amount of sodium ions INSIDE this nerve..
Then an nerve impulse arrives.
This stiimulates the outside membrane of the NERVE to become more permeable to sodium ions... meaning more sodium ions are able to enter the NERVE.. now this rush of sodium ions which has to be at least 15 mL more positive than the resting potential of -70mL (known as depolarisation) REVERSES the resting potential into an ACTION potential... This is because the inside of the NERVE HAS MORE sodium ions than it did b4 the action potential..
ok so thats a description for action potentials and threshold lol
now the reason why not all produce action potentials is :
a/ each stimulus has to produce a FULL potential or NO potential (so its all or nothing.. the only way it can be an action potential is if the threshold must be at least 15ML !!) UNLESS THIS THRESHOLD IS PASSED NO ACTION POTENTIAL WILL HAPPEN.
b/ another reason is that each action potential is a seeperate event.. so wen one action potential happens.. ONLY THEN will another action potential occur... so they cannot occur at the same time.
i hope that helped