advice from arts/ law or any law student for choosing between these majors (1 Viewer)


Oct 29, 2013
I am starting arts/ law this year in Feb 2016. After much fanfare and consideration I have finally narrowed the majors for my arts degree to these few:

International law and global governance
Public Policy, Law and Governance
Human Geography
International Relations

At this point in time I would really like to become a policy analyst, working in public/social/ health policy, work in policy development or something of a strategy adviser/ consultant in an international or government capacity. I have interests in history, politics and international relations.

My concern with the first two majors listed above is that there are a lot of overlapping units with the law degree which I will be studying in combination so I don't know whether its totally necessary to pick this major when I could essentially take some of the units in the elective units available for law, and

also maybe as I enter the degree and begin studying I'll get sick of only doing law type units and start to wonder whether I should have taken a major a bit less similar to my law degree.

The only reason I'm considering the public policy, law and governance major in the arts degree is because there is a focus on policy and it allows you to study a bit about politics and international relations at the same time, also it is a bit more focused on policy development which is my interest right now than the politics or international relations majors in comparison which seems more theoretical and focused on content like the history of middle-eastern politics (which is also very interesting, but does not appear as practically focused as the public policy, law and governance). the only problem is that there is a strong focus on law and ethics and etc. which will already be studied in my law degree.

Also the Politics major and the international relations major both seem very similar, just with a bit more focus on politics in one and global politics in the other which is very confusing. Another problem is that if I don't do the public policy major but want to study the unit advanced public policy and development in the law degree as an elective it requires the Politics unit POL207 which is only available in the politics major.

I'm still getting my head around how these units and credit points and majors work, but I'm quite confused because I don't know enough about the job prospects of these majors because they are all so similar in content and ideas!

Apologies for the long-winded, confused post but I would really appreciate any insight into whether work in policy development and that area possible with simply the law part of my degree or if it is useful to also study public policy or something alongside it as a major in the arts. Thanks
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