Age of Silicon HSC 2003 (1 Viewer)


May 21, 2004

Can you guys help me with Q32 parts 'c' and 'd' from the 2003 HSC paper?

Thanks !!


New Member
Mar 1, 2004
why the marks for 'c' are so high i have no idea. As the graph shows there has been a 10(5) increase from the 70's to 05, and this increased density will allow for significantly faster computers. How you can get 3 marks for that is beond me.
ii) In 2060 there is no evidence that there will be a constant increase in trasistor density. To assume this increase rate will continue is to assume that quantam effects will not play a part in changing transistor density (which it will). So if you need to make a prediction, i believe an answer would be transistors would not have enhanced that far as their use will be limited by quantam effects???

For 'd' the thermistor operates 1.4K at 15* by the graph.
Note R1= thermistor R2= thermistor + 22K
therefore Va/Vs = R1/R2 = Vs X R1/R2 = 12 x 1400/23400 = 0.72 Volts

the next part uses the fromula Vout/Vin = -Rf/Ri (this formula is found on the syllabus for the gain of an inverting amplifier)
We need Rf so -Rf = Ri X Vout/Vin = 10(5) X 6/0.72 = 833333 ohms
To simplify ur answer = 833Kohms

Now i hope this helps, i must confess i do have the answers so im confident i am right. The part i dont like most about my work is that i didnt know the forumla in part d... dunno if that means i was blind when reading the syllabus or my common knowledge is dead


May 21, 2004
sweet thanks! :p

also for part c), the graph is a log graph......doesnt that have anything to do with the answers?


New Member
Mar 1, 2004
Well yeh, it does tell you about the rate of the density of transistors is increasing. But there is no mention of it being specifically a log graph in the answer, and if thats what you wanna put for part ii) to predict the result for 2060, the desity will be so much bigger that quantam effects will prevent it from working.


New Member
Mar 1, 2004
well after relooking at that question i didnt like(D, i) i realise why to use the formula. Its obvious to me now... musta had a brain fart. Anyway, the circuit is a potential divider meaning it obeys the formula Vout= R2 x Vin / R1+R2
The R2 in this case is the themistor as it is closer to the earth
R1 is the 22Kohm resistor.
I dont think this formula is in the syllabus even though it should... The syllabus says "solve problems and analyse information involving resistances, voltages and currets in potential dividers", but i would have thought they would specify this formula.

Sorry about that, im finding this elective a real challenge and any help or corrections would be fantastic
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