Junior Member
Just hoping you might be interested in answering some questions regarding accounting and your job. This is for a Comsoc careers brochure (UNSW) and it's upto you if you want your name/firm disclosed. If you wish to remain anonymous that's cool; if you don't want your name/company posted on BoS, feel free to email me at jace.88 (AT)
Thanks to anyone who reads this/responds!1 Why did you pursue a career in accounting?
2 How can uni students best prepare themselves to work in this field (which courses/work experience placements you found helpful)? How did university prepare you for your career? Did you find it easy to make the transition from university to full time work?
3 How did you get your current position (i.e. what was the graduate recruitment process like)? What qualifications/experience are needed? Any tips (especially for doing well in writing applications forms, interviews, group assessment activities)?
4 Briefly describe your current role/working environment/culture. The best/worst part of the job?
5 Why Big 4/mid-tier/boutique? Why audit/tax/insolvency/etc?
6 What are 3 qualities that are essential for a person to have working in your current position?
7 What are some of the challenges that you have experienced (personal and career wise)?
8 Are you looking to do further studies? CA/CPA and why?
9 How do you manage to balance work and personal life?
10 Where do you see yourself in 5-10 years time?