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EVERY1 answer sum EASY questions!
Hey people,
Im doing an assessment task on Astrology for Society and Culture and basically I have to do primary research, so I thought i could use these forums. I considered posting this is the Soc n Cult forum but I think more people would reply if it is here (or so i hope) I'm just wondering if you guys, because u all love me so much could answer some questions.
What is your gender?
What is your star sign?
Do you know the character traits of your sign? If yes list some
Have you ever read your horoscope?
Has it ever come true?
Do you believe in astrology and to what extent?
On a scale of 1-10 rate how much you believe in it?
Thanks peoples!
Hey people,
Im doing an assessment task on Astrology for Society and Culture and basically I have to do primary research, so I thought i could use these forums. I considered posting this is the Soc n Cult forum but I think more people would reply if it is here (or so i hope) I'm just wondering if you guys, because u all love me so much could answer some questions.
What is your gender?
What is your star sign?
Do you know the character traits of your sign? If yes list some
Have you ever read your horoscope?
Has it ever come true?
Do you believe in astrology and to what extent?
On a scale of 1-10 rate how much you believe in it?
Thanks peoples!
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