Aerath said:
It is - I used some of the related texts from the people who gathered texts for Inner Journeys.
Have you started belonging already? Notwithstanding this, there is a slight but crucial difference between texts that are suitable for inner journeys, and those that would communicate the most elevated points regarding belonging.
Inner journeys essentially is about the psychological and introspective elements of a
process of reaching a higher destination ie learning. Belonging is more concerned about the
tension between “perceptions and ideas of belonging” and “not belonging” (page 10 of English stage 6 prescriptions) and the interrelationship between “individual” and “a community or group” (ibid). While the individual vs. society binary still operates in inner journeys (eg the related material of Eliot’s The love song of j Alfred prufrock esp. the refrain 'the women come and go / talking of michelangelo' which represents the speaker's view of social decorum) it is framed around – as earlier mentioned – a situation of internal reflection.
Belonging then, is a more active
process of self-negotiation and speculation of "own experiences ... in a variety of contexts" (syllabus).
Also to OP: things fall apart (yeats <3) and gray's poetry? That's a pretty good combination (that i previously had not heard of)