School ranking around 180s
MX1 - 2/20 (6 E4s last year)
MX2 - 3/5 (2/2 E3s last year but our year is better)
Eco - 3/18 (3 b6 last year)
Bus - 3/70 (6 b6 last year
SOR1 - 8/50( 7 band 6 last year)
Adv - 15/40 (6 b6 last year)
What atar am I looking at and what would I need to improve to get a 95ish atar?
MX1 - 2/20 (6 E4s last year)
MX2 - 3/5 (2/2 E3s last year but our year is better)
Eco - 3/18 (3 b6 last year)
Bus - 3/70 (6 b6 last year
SOR1 - 8/50( 7 band 6 last year)
Adv - 15/40 (6 b6 last year)
What atar am I looking at and what would I need to improve to get a 95ish atar?
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